Monday, October 14, 2024

Release Day Blast: The Bastard King by Donna Grant

The Bastard King

A dragon without a family. An outcast running from her past. They might be able to stop the impending doom—if they learn to trust each other. 

A Dragon King duology from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Donna Grant.

About the Book

With just one fiery embrace I could destroy her…or love her until the end of time.

I am fire and death. My very presence brings terror and panic. For most, I am the last thing they will ever see. For there is only one thing I live for — freeing my kin.

Every action, every battle brings me a step closer. Nothing distracts me from my purpose.

Until she crosses my path.

Brave and fearless, she holds me utterly enthralled. I have to know her. Her past and her future. But especially the secrets she keeps closely guarded.

One taste of her lips, and I’m caught. Trapped. Seized. The more I’m with her, the harder it is to leave. But I have sworn allegiance to another who promises to free the dragons.

Her or my kin. It was once an easy choice.

Before my heart got involved.



The berries in his hand were forgotten as Derek watched the woman run away hunched over. She jumped onto a boulder and straightened as if to declare her presence. The jingle of armor announced the soldiers before he saw them racing after her.

He couldn’t remember the last time a human had been friendly. Men avoided him. Women only wanted in his bed. But not a single one had ever put themselves into harm’s way for him?

Until her.

Derek rose to his feet. He looked from the soldiers to the woman. The path she took only led one place. And he knew what the soldiers were about. None of this involved him. He had no reason to meddle. But she intrigued him. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been fascinated by anyone. Especially a human.

He started running, slowly at first but increased his speed. Derek kept her in his sights, and just as he expected, she ran toward the blocked valley near the wetland. Was she leading them there on purpose? She was fast. Not as fast as him, but faster than the soldiers. She could have outdistanced them quickly, but she hadn’t. Instead, she had slowed so they could keep up.


She wanted them in that part of the valley for a purpose. Five against one wasn’t good odds. Maybe there were others waiting to help her. His curiosity was raised now. Nothing was going to stop him from seeing the outcome.

Derek diverted and took another route that cut through the marshland. His feet slapped through the water, spraying it as he ran. He arrived, waiting within the thick mist when the woman rushed into the valley. She slid to a halt and spun to face her pursuers. Long, dark hair had come loose from its binding and hung to her waist. She stood with her feet apart, her hands at her sides. Her chest heaved from the exertion while her gaze was locked on the approaching soldiers.

“Seems you have nowhere to go,” a female soldier stated.

The woman smiled softly. “I’m the one who stopped.”

“Because no one goes in there.” The soldier jerked her chin toward the swamp.

Derek was well hidden. But everyone knew the swamp was a dangerous place.

Because of him.

The silence was broken by a crossbow being fired. The woman leaned to the side just before the bolt struck her. Derek marveled at her ability to dodge it. In seconds, the soldiers surrounded her. He took a step forward, only to stop. He was curious about the human, but it didn’t go farther than that.

She ducked and dodged, spun and sidestepped. She even managed to block a few blows, but she was up against weapons with only her wits. A part of him wanted to help. As he was considering it, she suddenly jerked at the impact of a quarrel into her chest. There was a slight tightening of her face before she ducked a sword going for her head. Another blade cut along her thigh when she lunged. One of the soldiers stabbed her in the back.

It was a blood bath. And he had seen enough. Derek shifted into his true form. He stalked forward, knocking over trees as he did. The mist swirled around him as if trying to keep him hidden. It parted when he pushed onward, revealing his face first.

Four of the soldiers caught sight of him and froze. The female leader was too intent on the woman to take notice. She swung her sword down and around, embedding it deep in the woman’s side. Derek growled. She lifted her eyes to meet his. Her face drained of color as she tugged her blade free.

The woman dropped to her knees before listing to the side and rolling onto her back. The scent of blood filled the air. Derek stood over her. He didn’t know why. There was no saving the human. Not that he would if he could. He looked down. Her eyes were open, but she didn’t show any surprise or fear to see him. She must already be dead.

And that infuriated him.

“We’re leaving,” the female soldier announced. “We’re sorry to intrude in your territory. We had to take care of business.”

Derek looked at her and let smoke roll from his nostrils. His fury grew. With the woman for not getting away when she had the chance. With the soldiers for ganging up on her and killing her. And for himself for not intervening before it was too late. He drew in a deep breath, feeling the fire within his chest flare and expand. They tried to run, but it was pointless. One breath of fire took them instantly.

He could have made them suffer. Maybe he should have. Derek looked down at the female again. Her eyes were closed now. Her injuries were fatal. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to thank her. It wasn’t something he did. There had been no need for her to warn him, but she hadn’t known that. She deserved better than this.

Derek returned to human form and squatted naked beside her. Why had she brought the soldiers here? There hadn’t been anyone to help her. She should’ve escaped when she had the chance. Why hadn’t she?

Her blood spilled into the packed earth as mist curled out from the swamp to lick at her boots. Derek tugged a lock of hair free that had fallen across her face. He dropped one knee to the ground. Her hair was like aged mahogany, rich and deep. The strands were cool against his fingers.

Her oval face was beguiling. Her full lips could have lured him into temptation with the barest of smiles. Dark brows arched pleasingly over large eyes. He had looked briefly into the clear brown eyes, but he could describe every detail. They had been bright like a unrising shining through them. Swirling in the dark rays was bronze and amber all trapped by a ring of thick black.

He skimmed the back of his knuckles along her cheekbone. Who was she? He would never know. And that was a pity.

She was attractive, but more than that, she had been brave and kind. Not something he described about anyone, much less humans.

Derek straightened, but he didn’t walk away. He stared at her a long moment before he bent and gathered her in his arms. He walked past what was left of the soldiers to the path used by animals to ascend the mountain. She deserved a warrior’s death, and while he couldn’t give her that, he could give her the next best thing. Derek carried her up to the top and gently laid her on the slab of rock.

He stared at her face to commit it to memory. Then he looked down at her body. She was dressed in all black. Her shirt was threadbare at the wrists and holes stitched. Her pants were in little better condition. It seemed she spent most of her coin on her boots. They were of solid craftsmanship that would’ve lasted her years.

The wind picked up the ends of her hair and danced it around. Derek took a step back. He let his gaze take in the view. He stood on the northern most point of the Tunris range. Ahead of him stretched rolling valleys of grass that went on for miles. Beyond that was a lake and land as wild as his heart.

He would give her the burial she deserved so that her ashes could be scattered into the beauty of the realm. Perhaps that would allow her to one day return as fierce as she had been that day.

Derek’s eyes lowered to her face again. He couldn’t fathom why she hadn’t let her speed take her far from the area. She shouldn’t have stayed. He had decimated humans time and again, and he would continue to do so in order to free the dragons. And yet, he was greatly saddened to see this one dead.


He fisted his hands at the command that filled his mind. He didn’t dare ignore it. His life was pledged to that of Stonemore, and if Villette summoned him, then he must go to her. Derek debated on whether to incinerate the human now or wait. He had seen other mortals gather round their dead. She deserved at least that. If he didn’t have time to watch her body burn, then he would do it when he returned.

Derek held out his hand and created an area around the slab with magic so no one could get near her. He looked at the silver cuff at his wrist. No matter how many times he traveled by Villette’s magic, it felt wrong.

He caught sight of his nudity and reluctantly used his magic to clothe himself. He spent most of his time doing what he wanted. But there were other times, like now, where he bent to another’s rules. His gaze lingered on the dead human a moment more.

Derek touched the cuff. One moment he was outside, and the next, he was stood in the center of a chamber deep within a mountain. Flames danced in the enormous hearth, the red- orange glow reaching out toward him along the floor with flickering fingers.

He knew this chamber well since it was where he met Villette. There were no windows. A single door marred the simple walls. Despite its size, the room only had one chair. There was no need to use his enhanced abilities. He turned his head to the left and found his mistress sprawled on a chair covered in fur pelts.

“Took you too long.”

Derek frowned at the pain in her voice. He caught a glimpse of new burns that covered her face, arms, and torso. “What happened?”

“Nothing for you to worry about.”

He drew in a breath and smelled a familiar scent of dragon fire. “You fought dragons?”

“I said not to worry about it.”

He curled his hands into fists when she didn’t elaborate. Villette wasn’t just his leader.

She had saved him. He owed her his allegiance and his life. Both, he gave freely.

She sighed loudly. “I’ve already given you my word that you will be by my side when we free your kin.”

“Tell me who did this to you. I will hunt them down.”

“I want that pleasure,” she stated icily. She cut her eyes to him. “Has there been anything out of the ordinary that has happened?”

Derek observed her for a silent moment. He could tell her about the female, but then he would have to explain why he cared. Villette would become worried, and there was no need for that. “Nay.”

“You need to be extra vigilant. Don’t get far from the marsh.”

“You expect someone to come?”

“I’m being cautions. It’s how we’ve gotten this far.”

Someone had spooked her, and she wasn’t giving him any information. Villette was one of the most powerful beings alive. She was a Star Person, moving among realms by mere thought alone. She ruled Stonemore as the Divine. Few knew her as anything other than the Divine’s right hand. Villette had gained influence and dominion by weaving a complex web of deception and trickery to gain the upper hand in the battle for Zora.

And she was winning.

There had been setbacks before, but they were getting closer to freeing the dragons. He could feel it.

“I’ll see it done,” he declared.

She swallowed, a grimace of pain creasing her face. “Dederick,” she called.

He hated that name, but he bit back his response. “Aye?”

“The next time I call, come immediately.” She slowly sat up, but it cost her much as she began shaking. “I may need you soon. Don’t let me down.”

“I would never,” he vowed.

“Check the swamp. I want you to be sure no one has found it.”

He took a step to her. “No one has.”

“Check the entire area. Go. Now,” she bit out.

Derek bowed his head and touched the cuff. Seeing Villette injured worried him.
Something had spooked her, and he wished she would tell him who or what that was. In the meantime, he would do as she asked.

He reappeared atop the mountain only to stare in disbelief at the empty stone slab.

Excerpt copyrighted by Donna Grant

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About the Author

Donna is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over a hundred novels. Her most popular series is the breathtaking Dragon King series featuring dragons, immortal Highlanders, and the Fae.

She has been dubbed as giving the “paranormal genre a burst of fresh air” by the San Francisco Book Review. Her work has been hailed as having “deft plotting and expert characterization” by Publishers Weekly and “sizzling” by RT Book Reviews.

You an find her at as well as her website devoted entirely to the Dragon Kings and all series that encompass the Dark World at

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