Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Release Day Blitz & Review: A Vampire’s Mate by Rebecca Zanetti

 Happy Release Day!

In the immortal world, the thrill of the hunt can turn deadly.

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti comes a new story in her Dark Protectors/Rebels series…

There’s nothing Jasper Maxwell likes better than a good chase. He is patient and cunning, and he is known as one of the coldest hunters in the immortal realm. As a vampire with a hint of demon blood in him, he stands out even amongst the finest trackers in the shifter world. So the fact that his mate has managed to escape him for the past five decades is something that keeps him intrigued and more obsessed with every passing year. The game is beyond delicious until a century old enemy resurfaces, putting his sweet little mate in danger. At that point, he has no choice but to secure her.

Leah Ferry enjoys immortality almost as much as she thrills at the cat and mouse game she’s playing with the Maxwell hunter. Once human, she figured she’d live her life wearing pearls and vacuuming in pressed dresses only to be thrown into the immortal world where freedom is intoxicating. On a mission to take down degenerate humans and make them pay, things go wrong, so per her usual arrangement, she starts to run. But this time, her sexy and deadly vampire mate stands in her way. She quickly learns that the sensual chase between them was nothing compared to the real danger coming for her.



“I’m called Jasper Maxwell.” He studied her and waited.

She’d never heard of him. “What a lovely name. I’m Leah Ferry. Why am I not dead?”

“I gave you some of my blood.”

She winced. “You what?” That made no sense. While she’d heard the Nazis conducted experiments that nobody understood, healing blood seemed too good to be true. Impossible, really.

“I’m a vampire, Leah, with a hint of demon thrown in.” He looked deadly serious.

“Ah,” she said. “Of course you are.” She had to get away from this man. While he had saved her life, he apparently had serious mental problems. She needed to get on those skis. “Peter and John…” she started.

Jasper shook his head. “They blew up with the bridge. There was no way to save either of them.”

It hurt. They’d been good friends and even better spies. Pain filled her chest. Yet another agonizing loss to add to her list. Soon, she’d have no one left. “I understand.”

His gaze narrowed. “You accept reality quickly, don’t you?”

“One has to as a spy.”

“Have you always been a spy?”

She tried not to cough because her chest felt tight. “I spent four years as a housewife wearing dresses and pearls while vacuuming.” She often missed the person she had once been. Even if the world centered itself, she’d never be that carefree girl again.

“Four whole years?” he asked. “Are you still married?”

The pain of the first of her many losses still echoed inside her. “I was. My husband died two years ago, almost right after we joined the war effort.” She missed him; they’d been great pals. Never again would she allow herself to get that close to another person.

“So now you’re a spy by yourself?”

She looked toward where the bridge had been. “I had friends, but now I’m on my own.”

“I could get you to safety.”

“I don’t want safety.” For some reason, she’d been given a second chance, and she was going to fetch those skis and find her way into Poland to aid the resistance. “Do you want to help us?” She didn’t know him, and he seemed unhinged, but he had saved her life, and they needed all the help they could get.

A veil drew down over his eyes. “Sorry, I’m on my own path right now. There are wars you don’t know about.”

“I can only handle one,” she said. “A vampire war, huh?” She tried not to sound terrified.

In answer, fangs dropped in his mouth. His eyes swirled an unreal silver through the blue and green and then returned to normal.

Her body hurt too much for her to feel true shock. So, it was true. Was she concussed? “Oh,” she said lamely. “I’ve heard stories. Whispers, really. But I didn’t believe them.”

“You should have.”


I am such a fan of Rebecca’s Dark Protectors world and every time a new story comes out, I gobble up every word!

Leah is a strong, fierce mate whose stubbornness gets the better of her. Jasper is a tall, hunky vampire with an equally fierce protectiveness and antiquated ways of thinking on what a mate should do. Jasper has a dangerous job but he wants Leah safe at home while he goes out and has all the fun. I mean, he means well, but he obviously doesn’t know who he mated if he thinks Leah will be the good little mate waiting at the door for her male to come home. 

Leah has a purpose greater than herself, she’s not ready to settle down with Jasper, even though she's had eight decades of freedom. 

Leah and Jasper’s interests cross paths in Paris and they team up to take care of some super bad baddies. While Leah has taken advantage of the extended life afforded vampire mates, she’s not as physically strong as she should be because she hasn’t been in close proximity to her mate, Jasper. It’s a learning lesson for all as the pair stumble their way through cobblestone streets… and their relationship.

A Vampire’s Mate is a fun, fast read that will leave readers wanting more!

**Thank you to 1001 Dark Nights for a review copy of the book generously provided in exchange for an honest review**

Grab your copy today, exclusively on Amazon!

Add A Vampire's Mate to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3q5VNjU

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**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it’s an introduction to an author’s world. And for fans, it’s a bonus book in the author’s series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**

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