Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Release Day Review: The Royals Upstairs by Karina Halle

Happy Release Day!

The Royals Upstairs is now available.

Get your copy today!

About the Book

He’s the royal bodyguard. She’s the royal nanny. The annoyingly hot attraction that simmers between them—that’s a royal pain.

James Hunter has made a tactical error. His new role as protection officer to Prince Magnus of Norway was supposed to be an exciting change. Instead he’s marooned on a royal estate in the middle of nowhere charged with chasing after demon children and dodging the machinations of meddling staff. And the crowning jewel in this little drama—the children’s nanny is none other than Laila Bruset. The woman whose heart he broke. The woman who still holds his.

When Laila took the job as a nanny for the Norwegian royal children in order to be closer to her ailing grandmother in Oslo, the last thing she expected was to have her life turned upside down—again. But as much as James gets on her nerves, he’s also getting under her skin, and the tension between them sizzles just as devastatingly as before.

As undeniable sparks turn James and Laila’s battle royal into a more serious game of hearts, nanny and bodyguard will have to decide just how much they’re willing to risk for a second chance at love.





It's bloody cold, I'll tell you that much.I'm standing on the side of a runway in what feels like the middle of Norway, and I've been freezing my bollocks off for a good twenty minutes at least. It's early December but there's already a fresh layer of snow on the ground, and though it's nearly three in the afternoon, the sun is already setting, suspending the air in this murky kind of twilight. My new employer, Magnus, the Crown Prince of Norway, arranged for a private jet to take me from London to this tiny airstrip, and I'm supposed to meet one of his advisors who will take me to the nearby Skaugum Estate, where the prince and princess live, my future home for the foreseeable future.

I gather my coat collar tighter around me, snowflakes sticking in my hair, wishing I had brought a scarf. When I did my research about Norway, everyone always said that it wasn't as cold as the stereotype and that it rarely snowed in December, but boy were they fucking wrong.

Finally a black SUV screeches to a stop outside the chain-link fence, and a man practically falls out of the vehicle, his shoes slipping on the ice. He holds on to the hood, arms splayed, legs slowly sliding apart before he manages to take another step. He straightens up unsteadily, then looks at the ground between us, seeming to have second thoughts.

"Mr. Hunter?" he yells over in a light Norwegian accent.

"That's me," I tell him. "Are you Ottar?"

"Ja," he says. "Would you mind if I stayed here? I don't think my shoes can handle the ice."

I stare at him for a moment. He's on the portly side, though he has a boyish face and black glasses. But the more I stare at him, the more I realize that half his face is banged up. Maybe it's best that he stays where he is.

"Not a problem," I tell him, picking up my suitcase handle and carefully walking over to the fence and going through the gate. At least my black boots have an ample amount of tread, which is more than he has. I don't know why someone here wouldn't know how to dress for the elements, but I guess I'm about to find out.

"Mr. Hunter," Ottar says, smiling hastily as I approach, sticking out his hand. "It's a pleasure to welcome you to Norway."

I stop and shake his hand. "Please, call me James," I tell him. Now that I'm up close, I can finally get a good look at him. He's got a black eye and a bunch of scratches along his cheeks. "I don't mean to pry, but are you okay? You look bloody mangled."

He laughs and then points at his face. "Oh right, my face. Long story. But I'm fine. Here, let me get your bag."

Ottar takes my suitcase from me and then starts the very long, laborious process of walking alongside the SUV, his hand propped against the car for support as he tries to balance on the ice.

"I can just put it in the back seat," I tell him.

He attempts a dismissive wave, but that movement alone sends one leg flying forward and the other leg flying backward, and it's only by the grace of a Norse god that he doesn't end up doing splits.

"Hellvete," he swears.

"Are you sure I can't help?" I ask, biting back a smile.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he says quickly, letting out an awkward laugh. "Just hurt myself the other day, so I'm a bit, uh, overly cautious, as one might say."

One might say that he has a reason to be overly cautious and that the best course of action is to just abandon the suitcase and make it back to the safety of the driver's seat.

But I'm a man with my own pride, and I'm not about to interfere with the pride of someone else. So I wait, leaning against the SUV, watching as Ottar very carefully makes it to the back of the car and then opens the trunk, throwing my bag in. There are a few more twists and turns and near splits, and then he manages to pull himself back to me.

"Shall we?" he asks, opening my door with a triumphant smile.

And that's when he totally loses ground, holding on to the handle for dear life while the rest of him slides under the door, heels first.

Bloody hell.

I reach over and grab him by the elbows, hauling him up. He's not light as a feather, I'll say that much.

"Tussen takk," he says sheepishly, his cheeks going pink. "That's Norwegian for thank you. You know any Norwegian?"

I step inside the car. "Not a word." I'd had a brief affair with a wild Norwegian woman but only got away with knowing swear words.

"Ah," he says. He shuts the door, almost falling again, then finally pulls himself into the driver's seat, letting out a massive exhale of relief. "I'm sure you'll learn fast. At any rate, everyone speaks English fluently, so it won't be a problem if you don't. Except for Einar, Magnus's bodyguard. But you probably wouldn't get more than a few words out of him anyway."

He starts the car and thankfully the tires have more tread than Ottar's shoes.

"Sorry I was late," he says to me, eyeing me in the rearview mirror. "I run on Magnus's schedule, and that can be off at times. You'll find out soon enough." He pauses. "I really didn't expect them to hire someone this fast."

I give a light shrug, looking out the window at the passing scenery. Farm fields covered in white and orderly forests of pine fly past in the dying light. It's pretty here, I'll give it that much, even if I feel a bit discombobulated about the whole thing.

See, Ottar's not alone in thinking everything had gone so fast. It's literally been a couple of weeks since my former employer, Prince Eddie of England, told me that he and his wife, Duchess Monica, were taking their daughter, Madeline, back to Canada.

Now, I'd gone with them before. Four years ago they'd moved to a tiny island off the very wet west coast of British Columbia to prepare for Duchess Monica's pregnancy and escape the rubbish media of the UK, and I went along with them as one of their personal protection officers. We did our time there on the island, enjoying the much-needed peace and quiet, then came back to London for baby Madeline's birth.

Then Eddie and Monica decided that they didn't want to raise Madeline in the same environment that Eddie was brought up in, so they decided to move back to that tiny island and asked if I would go with them.

I ended up saying no. As much as I loved working for them, the island felt like early retirement. Suffice to say, I opted to stay behind, which then meant I was out of a job. And being a PPO or bodyguard, it's not like you can start perusing the job listings on Craigslist and hand out applications.

Thankfully Eddie helped out. He nosed around and found out that Prince Magnus and Princess Ella of Norway were looking for a bodyguard specifically for Ella and their children. Supposedly, one of the kids, despite having his mother and a nanny, is quite the troublemaker and is hard to keep an eye on. One thing led to another, and Eddie arranged for Prince Magnus to hire me without even meeting me. I guess Eddie's word goes a long way in the royal world-enough so that I only found out I had the job just the other day.

"I'm grateful that Prince Eddie was able to put in such a good word with Prince Magnus, especially on such short notice," I tell Ottar. "But from speaking to Prince Magnus on the phone, I got the impression that the role won't be too dissimilar from what I was doing before."

"Yes," Ottar says, rather uneasily. He gives me a crooked smile. "I can see how you would think that."

I frown. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing," he says, adjusting his grip on the steering wheel. "Let's just say that I'm sure when you worked for the duke and duchess, that they ran a pretty tight ship."

"I suppose," I say. "Not as uptight as the rest of his family, though."

"Right. Well, Magnus . . . does not run a tight ship. Ella tries to, but it's hard when she's trying to balance her children and running her environmental group . . . the palace can be chaos on even the calmest days."

"I see," I tell him. This doesn't really surprise me. Prince Magnus is famous for being the wild prince, especially before he settled down and married Ella. Some media outlets even report that their marriage was an arranged one to try to counteract a slew of bad publicity the prince had gotten. Extreme sports, sex tapes, being a drunken idiot-it was hard to go a week without reading something about Magnus in the papers.

Now, since he got married and had children, he seems to have calmed down. He's become a public spokesperson for ADHD, which he has, and runs an organization devoted to eradicating the stigma attached to being neurodiverse. He's actually one of the most liked royals there are because of how open he is with the public.

"Don't get me wrong," Ottar quickly says, "I think you'll enjoy working here. Everyone is super friendly. Just . . . be prepared for the unexpected."

"Is the unexpected what happened to your face?" I ask.

He nods, looking chagrined. "The other day Magnus wanted to go cross-country skiing. I'm an awful Norwegian because I'm not the best on skis."

"You don't say," I comment wryly.

"It's true. It's like I have two left feet. Anyway, Magnus then decided to turn it into a downhill skiing expedition, and wherever he goes, I follow." He gestures to his face. "I had a run-in with a tree. Or two."

"You're not his personal protection officer, though," I point out.

"No, but it's my job to try to keep him in line. When I can. I'd never let him go off and do something like that on his own, even when Einar is with us. I've even been BASE jumping, if you can believe it."

I'm not sure that I can believe it. "Sounds like you have your hands full."

He smirks at me. "I do. But so will you."

"Princess Ella? Every footage I've seen of her, she seems as calm and collected as they come," I tell him.

"She is, thank god. But you're not just protecting her. You're protecting her and her children, Bjorn and Tor, and they are a handful. Bjorn especially. Takes after his father in every single way. Then there's Ella's lady-in-waiting, and the nanny, and they both take the term headstrong to the next level. Now you see? You're not just protecting Ella but the rest of them too. In some ways, at least there is only one Magnus."

I mull that over. Suddenly everything seems a lot less simple than it did a few days ago. But I'm nothing if not adaptable. I'm sure everything will be just fine, and it's not like I don't know how to handle a few headstrong ladies.

Ottar takes the car off the road and down a long driveway covered by trees.

"Where are we going?" I ask, staring at the frozen fields beyond the trees.

"To Skaugum," Ottar says.

"I thought we were going to the palace?"

"This is the Skaugum Estate," he says. "But you can call it a palace if you'd like. Traditionally it was the summer palace."

I twist in my seat, looking around me at the bucolic scenery, feeling a bit panicked. "But I thought the palace, the estate, was on the outskirts of Oslo."

"We are on the outskirts of Oslo," he says.

"But there's nothing here!" I exclaim.

"Yes. That's why it's the outskirts. Don't worry, it's only forty-five minutes to the city." His forehead creases as he turns to glance at me over his shoulder. "Did you think you would be living in Oslo? The king and queen live there at the palace, but Magnus and Ella wanted a more private place to raise their kids."

Bloody hell, did I ever get this wrong. The reason I didn't want to go with Eddie and Monica to that tiny island is because I didn't want to work in the middle of nowhere again. The isolation was fine the first time, but it wouldn't be good for my mentality the next time, especially in the winter. I wanted to stay around city lights, and people, and women, and traffic.

And yet as the SUV pulls up to a grand white palace, in the middle of nowhere, I realize that I'm about to live in isolation all over again. No more city lights, no more people, no more traffic, or stores, or civilization.

No more women.

Just me and the apparently wacky arm of the Norwegian royal family.

This is not getting off to a great start.

"Well, here we are," Ottar says, parking the car. "Oh, and look, there are the kids. You can meet them already."

I give my head a shake, trying to snap out of it and put my misgivings aside, and slowly get out of the car. Lucky for Ottar we're on packed snow and there's no way for him to fall.

"Hei, Bjorn, Tor," Ottar yells over at two kids in snowsuits on the front lawn. "Come say hi to our new friend. He's going to be living with us."

I close the car door and look over at the kids. They're staying put, both of them immersed in building a snowman. Okay, so a woman is building a snowman for them, but her back is to me so I can't tell who it is, whether it's the princess, the lady-in-waiting, or the nanny.

One of the kids is pretty young, a toddler, and is sitting in the snow, shoving the white stuff into his mouth; the other is standing by the snowman, staring at me with demon eyes.

Oh. This must be Bjorn.

Ottar hauls the bag out of the back and pauses beside me. "Sometimes they can be shy," he says. Then he winks. "Appreciate it while it lasts."

Bjorn rolls up a snowball, while keeping his eyes locked on me, and I'm certain he's about to throw it in my face.

Then at the last minute he turns and whips it at the woman's head, bouncing off her down hood, snow flying everywhere.

"Bjorn," the woman says to him, exasperated, and a string of sternly worded Norwegian follows.

Excerpted from The Royals Upstairs by Karina Halle. Copyright © 2024 by Karina Halle. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

My Review

The Royals Upstairs includes:

👑 Found Family
👑 Second Chances
👑 Enemies to Lovers
👑 Scottish Bodyguard
👑 Steamy Chemistry
👑 Loveable Supporting Characters
👑 Emotional Storyline

James is a smokeshow Scotsman with a tough exterior that hides a broken psyche. He once found solace in a forbidden, no-strings-attached physical relationship with Laila, but once she shared her true feelings, James’s fears put distance between the two, breaking Laila’s heart. Now he’s stuck with her in the middle of the Norwegian countryside and with a new, boisterous royal family. Awkward, much?

Laila is a strong woman with a beautiful spirit and a unique individuality that I greatly admire. She is experiencing the world and figuring out life while taking care of her ailing grandmother. Laila had a great job as a nanny for British royalty. Then she meets a sexy Scottish bodyguard and burns up the sheets with him to curb her loneliness, finding comfort in his arms. When she blurts out that she’s falling for him, the bodyguard shuts the door on Laila and their steamy dalliance while crushing her in the process.

When her grandmother’s health takes a turn for the worst, Laila finds a job closer to home and far from the jerk who shunned her. Things are going well until one day she hears a familiar brogue, knocking her off her stride and pissing her off. How dare HE come here and mess up her life, again! 

James and Laila are combustible together. Their physical chemistry is off the charts steamy and expressively detailed. But their emotional chemistry is beautifully broken, there is a painful fragility to it. It’s gonna take a lot more than James’s boyish smile and Scottish charms to fix things.

Laila’s relationship with her grandma is moving, heartfelt, and oh so relatable. I could feel the emotion coming off the pages and I could easily empathize with Laila. Their secondary story was beautifully done and left me a teary mess. 

The Royals Upstairs made me smile, squeezed my heart, and filled me with joy. I laughed, loved, and wept right alongside these wonderfully crafted characters.

This was my first book by Karina Halle and it was an enjoyable reading experience.

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

Purchase Links

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books

Kobo | Google Play | Penguin Random House

About the Author

Karina Halle is a screenwriter, a former music & travel journalist, and the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, & USA Today bestselling author of River of Shadows, The Royals Next Door, and Black Sunshine, as well as 80 other wild and romantic reads, ranging from light & sexy rom coms to horror/paranormal romance and dark fantasy. Needless to say, whatever genre you’re into, she’s probably written a romance for it. When she’s not traveling, she, her husband, and their scruffy mutt Perry Palomino, split their time between a possibly haunted 120-year-old house in Victoria, BC, and their condo in sunny Los Angeles. Learn more at authorkarinahalle.com

Release Blitz: Embracing the Change by Kristen Ashley

Happy Release Day!

He decided never again, and then he met her.

From New York Times bestselling author Kristen Ashley comes the new book in her River Rain Series, Embracing the Change.

That Kiss…

Gorgeous New York socialite, Nora Ellington has been waiting a very long time for her happily ever after.

So long, she’s given up on it and has decided, even though she’s the plus-one friend without benefits to a man she’s head over heels in love with, an HEA will forever be out of her reach.

Handsome billionaire Jamie Oakley thought he’d had two happily ever afters in his life. However, neither lasted long, and both ended in tragedy. He’s not about to try it again or put his children through the trauma Jamie has learned from experience undoubtedly will come their way.

And he’s made this decision even if the woman who’s become his constant companion is a woman he loves straight to his soul….and wants with everything that is him.

But then, one night, Jamie loses control and kisses Nora.

He can’t go there.

She can’t go on without it.

They’ll never be the same.

Or will they?

Start reading today!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3GcK4Fa

Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/embracingthechange

B&N: https://bit.ly/4cmiRxK

Apple Books: https://apple.co/4b1ifg8

Kobo: https://bit.ly/4ekHpsR

Google Play: https://bit.ly/4b2dcMb

Add Embracing the Change to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3VkUOsl

Keep reading for a look inside Embracing the Change!

His fork clattered on his plate, the sudden sound surprising me so much, I gave a slight jump as Jamie turned fully to me.

“Right, we’re here.”

Oh dear.

I wasn’t sure what “here” meant.

But I was sure I didn’t want to be there.

He carried on. “I know you don’t want to talk about it, and I’ll give you more time, but I do want to talk about it. However, for now I’ll just say, I can have you as I’ll allow myself to have you.”

As he’ll allow himself to have me?

What on earth did that mean?

“And in so doing, I have you,” Jamie continued. “You mean something to me. You’re mine. You’re a part of my life. You’re a member of my family. And I think you know I take care of those I love, Nora. That being the man I am, I cannot countenance this jackass annoying you or taking your time or infiltrating your life in any way that does not involve the children you share. Am I being clear?”

You’re mine.

I take care of those I love.






“Nora,” he called. “Am I being clear?”

For more information about Kristen Ashley, visit: 

For more information about Blue Box Press, visit:
Website: https://theblueboxpress.com/
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3ONzTtZ
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3rTZdo
TikTok: https://bit.ly/3G98oYh

**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it’s an introduction to an author’s world. And for fans, it’s a bonus book in the author’s series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Review: Christmas Ever After by Jaimie Admans

Happy Release Week!

I am so excited to share my review of Christmas Ever After! 

I absolutely LOVED it!

It's never too early for a Christmas romance!

Christmas Ever After is currently FREE on Kindle Unlimited!

Grab yourself a copy today!

About the Book

A picture-perfect town, a place where dreams come true. Welcome to Ever After Street…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but Franca Andrews has never felt more miserable. With business far from bustling, she needs a Christmas miracle to keep her beloved nutcracker shop open… But there’s one man standing in her way – expert snow globe maker Raff Dardenne.

Dardenne Snow Globes have a magical reputation for bringing lovers together, a myth Raff continues to exploit. But this Christmas their shops are pitted against each other and only one gets to stay on Ever After Street. Franca doesn’t know how her handmade nutcrackers are ever going to compete with Raff’s snow globes, especially at the most magical time of the year!

As these two enemies get to know each other, Franca discovers another side to Raff – kind, caring and funny. But unless she can prove that his magical snow globes can’t really match true lovers together, she’s going to lose everything…

But maybe it’s not too late for them to put aside their differences and find some Christmas magic of their own?

My Review

I was completely swept away to Ever After Street where it’s Christmas 365 days a year and there’s magic all around… and a couple of problematic Grinches in a head-to-head business deathmatch.

Franca is hanging on by a thread this holiday season. When Raff’s shop threatens her livelihood, Franca sets things in motion that could either benefit her nutcracker shop, or shutter its doors for good. When something bad happens leaving Franca unable to work, Raff graciously offers to help. Begrudgingly, Franca accepts. As the two spend time together, Franca begins to realize she may have been wrong about Raff all along. 

Life has left its mark on Franca. She has been dealt several bad hands and has had to pick herself up off the ground more than once. She’s a strong woman with a vibrant spirit, but has a quiet fragility that’s not often seen. I could easily relate to her. 

Raff is a complete surprise and I am so in love with him. If Franca doesn’t want him, I’ll gladly volunteer as tribute! He’s a wonderful character and I can’t wait for readers to discover it for themselves!

Jaimie’s books always evoke strong emotions. I laugh, I cry, I empathize, I love, and I take these stories into my heart for safekeeping. Franca and Raff’s story is fun, heartfelt, and so beautiful! 

Christmas Ever After is the perfect holiday read. I highly recommend it and all of Jaimie’s books!

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

Purchase Links

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Boldwood Books

About the Author

Jaimie Admans is the bestselling author of several romantic comedies – including The Little Christmas Shop on Nutcracker Lane and The Chateau of Happily-Ever-Afters. She lives in South Wales and was previously published by HQ Digital. Her new work for Boldwood, The Ever After Street Series, is based on the magical world of fairytales, the first title was released in Spring 2023. Learn more at jaimieadmans.com.

Release Day Blitz: Nobody Does it Like You by Katie Shepard

Happy Release Week!

No One Does It Like You is the latest novel from Katie Shepard and is now available!

Get your copy today!

About the Book

College sweethearts reunite to restore more than just an old inn in this new romance by Katie Shepard, author of Sweeten the Deal.

When’s the best time to tell your ex that you want them back?

Probably not in the middle of a Category 3 hurricane. But when Broadway actor Tom Wilczewski is about to dive into the floodwaters to rescue his co-lead, he calls the ex-wife he hasn’t seen in ten years to swear he still loves her and ask for a chance to make things right.

Two months later, Rose Kelly is tired of seeing pictures of her ex-husband Tom rescuing Hollywood darling Boyd Kellagher. Not that she’s jealous. Of course not. She’s far too busy taking care of her elderly aunt and worrying about the storm damage to the family B&B on Martha’s Vineyard to miss the love of her life. But after belatedly hearing Tom’s voicemail, Rosie asks him to follow through on his promises for once by helping her fix the inn. Thinking this is the perfect way to win her back, Tom agrees.

When they get there, things are…less than ideal. Rosie expected the inn to be in better shape. She expected it to have more beds. And she expected more help from her actual family—not from Tom and the rest of his Broadway cast. But Rosie begins to wonder if maybe the life she expected isn’t the one she really wants. If she and Tom can repair the inn together, can they possibly repair the damage to the relationship they both thought was long gone?




BostonRose liked parties, but she loved holiday parties in particular. She liked everything about the holidays. She liked the little rituals: the decorations, the special meals, and the seasonal music. Hand turkeys for Thanksgiving. Flag cakes on the Fourth of July. "Silver Bells" in the grocery store before Christmas. She liked going out to her aunt's inn on Martha's Vineyard and falling asleep in the third-floor bunk room with all her cousins while conversation drifted up from downstairs.

When she was in third grade, she'd leaned in to Valentine's Day. She cut out two dozen red construction paper hearts, traced the edges with Elmer's glue and gold glitter, and personalized the valentines for each kid in her homeroom class, even the ones she didn't like very much. She added stickers and pom-poms and googly eyes. She did everyone's name in cursive with puffy paint by copying the letters from a calligraphy book, and she covered a shoebox in pretty wrapping paper to carry the cards in.

At the class party, the valentines had seemed well received by her classmates. Her teacher called her a sweetheart. Rose felt good about what she'd done, and she collected the little cardboard Snoopy and Garfield cards she'd received in exchange to take home in her shoebox. But at the end of the day, when she was packing up her cubby, Rose happened to look in the trash. And there, creased and discarded, were her valentines, mixed in with the used paper plates and cupcake wrappers from the party.

When Rose was still bewildered and weepy about it that night at the family cookie exchange, her aunt Max came and cast a critical eye over the salvaged cards. Rose adored her aunt Max, a beautiful lady who always wore lipstick and smelled like Chanel No. 5 instead of cigarettes. It was Max who planned the perfect holidays and hosted the entire Kelly clan at her inn multiple times a year.

You should probably have done something with candy instead. And that glitter would have gotten all over their backpacks, she told Rose. Of course they threw them out.

While hearing what she'd done wrong had stung, there had been an undercurrent of relief beneath Rose's embarrassment. Her mistake was fixable. She could have done it right with lollypops and conversation hearts. The next year, she would. Max patted her on the head and coaxed her downstairs to the party, and Rose assumed that when she grew up, she, like Max, would know what to do about everything.

This year's holidays, coming right on the heels of the hurricane, had not been up to Rose and Max's standards. Max's inn had been caught in the fringes of the storm, and for the first time Rose could remember, they had not gone out to Martha's Vineyard for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Instead of fine-tuning her stuffing recipe or coercing her toddler nephews into reindeer costumes for her personal amusement, Rose spent most of the season writing letters to the insurance company.

"Should we get started, do you think?" her aunt's financial adviser asked significantly when Rose's family was more than fifteen minutes late to his office.

"Have you tried the cornetti yet?" Rose evaded, shoving the box across the conference room table.

She'd brought two dozen assorted baked goods from the good Italian place on Salem Street for this meeting, because if you had to set a man trap for a Kelly at nine a.m. on the first Monday of the new year, you baited it with pastry. She was expecting her father, at least one of her uncles, and a reasonable quorum of her brothers and cousins. She'd brought pastries and made them binders just in case they hadn't had a chance to read her emails about the inn's repairs.

"It's nine twenty. The gym's going to be packed by the time I get there," Aunt Max complained.

"Water aerobics isn't until three," Rose gently reminded her. "I'll get you to your shuttle."

Max paused, momentarily perplexed. "Oh, right," she said. "I was thinking about pickleball. But it's January, isn't it?"

Max's delicate, dark Kelly eyebrows gathered in confusion. Looking at Max was like looking into the future, her iron gray curls the natural conclusion of Rose's black ones, her heart-shaped face the time-progressed image of Rose's own.

She'd survived a stroke the previous year. They'd caught it quickly, and she just had a little lingering weakness on her left side, but it had done a number on her short-term memory. So Max cast around the room, trying to establish what she was doing there with her niece and her financial adviser.

"Have you put on a little weight recently?" she asked Rose when the echoing silence of the conference room grew too loud for her.

Rose frowned over her full box of pastries, which she hadn't even been eating on account of the hazelnut filling. Max wasn't usually mean, and if she shared the family opinion that Rose ought to try being taller and thinner, she'd never before aired it. Some combination of boredom and disinhibition was making her pick at Rose today.

"No, I've always been this fat," Rose said evenly. Her family consisted entirely of short fat people; what did they expect her to look like?

Aunt Max huffed and shifted in her seat. "I wasn't criticizing you. I just don't remember you looking this stressed."

"That's because you have short-term memory loss," Rose pointed out. "And you saw me two days ago at dinner. Remember? We talked about all the storm damage at the inn. That's why we're here."

Taken aback again, Aunt Max crossed her arms.

"The inn's gotten to be such a wreck," she grumbled. "I never had the money to fix it up right. Wish Peter had left me his stocks instead, but those vultures at the Harvard alumni office had their talons in him. We shouldn't have to deal with this."

Once her opinions on her late husband's poor estate planning were aired for the umpteenth time and Rose dutifully nodded agreement, Max reached into her pocketbook, coming out with a section of the New York Times. "Of course I remember we're here to talk about the inn," she said grumpily. She ostentatiously unfolded her paper and flapped it open so that Rose could see the front page of the Arts section.

Rose clenched her jaw when she saw the article her aunt was reading.

"That newspaper is three months old," Rose informed her aunt.

"Oh? Well, like you said, I have short-term memory loss. It'll be new to me," her aunt said with purposeful sweetness.

Rose recognized the picture on the page because she couldn't mentally erase the image of her ex-husband's distinctive Greek-god nose smooshed up against the equally distinctive profile of Boyd fucking Kellagher.

As if she needed something else to deal with! This was the year Tom had to make the national news with his tongue in someone else's mouth!

If the Times article was to be believed, Rose had at least another year of news ahead of her about Tom smooshing faces with Boyd Kellagher onstage. And, hell, probably offstage too, based on the equally pervasive image of Tom dragging the movie star out of the floodwaters, the other man clinging to Tom's neck like a giant, chiseled damsel in distress. Rose did not want to see it again. Those photos gave her the same uncomfortable feelings as real estate listings for homes she could never afford or other people's holiday cards, pictures that made her quickly turn the page or close the card.

It wasn't that she begrudged Tom his first big Broadway role in ten years. Or kissing Boyd Kellagher. Or even Boyd Kellagher kissing Tom. She was unsurprised he had a gorgeous boyfriend now. But if Tom was going to get everything he ever wanted-love, fame, professional success-could Rose not get just one thing? If not Tom, if not a family of her own, why could she not at least get a couple of happy weeks of vacation every year spent preparing extravagant meals and group photo shoots in matching sweaters? It didn't seem like too much to ask for.

"I've seen it already," Rose said, trying not to sound as stressed as she felt.

"So handsome," Max cooed, and she could have been referring to either Tom or Boyd. "I always liked him."

"No, you didn't," Rose retorted, snapping at the bait before she could stop herself. This was revisionist history. "None of you did. You told me not to marry him."

"Telling you not to marry him is different from liking him. I thought he was a nice boy. You should have waited for him to grow up."

Tom's age had nothing to do with it. "We just ended up wanting different things." That was her standard line on their divorce, one that assigned no blame while obscuring the painful truth that Rose, specifically, had not been one of the things Tom wanted.

"And you didn't even send us a wedding present," Rose said, certain that would get her aunt off the subject.

Max raised her eyebrows, unimpressed. "I'm sorry, but we all assumed you were in a family way and too embarrassed to admit it before the wedding. I was going to get all your nursery furniture."

Rose stiffened her shoulders in familiar hurt because she'd known what her family thought, but nobody had ever given her the chance to set them straight. She hadn't married Tom because she was pregnant, then or ever, or for tax reasons, or to get him on her health insurance, or for any of the other reasons people had speculated about their marriage at twenty-two.

She'd married him because he'd asked her and because she'd loved him-she'd been utterly, stupidly in love with him-and she'd thought it would last forever. Which had made their breakup only a year later much more embarrassing than an unexpected baby would have been.

But that was a long time ago now. What was really embarrassing was that she was still having feelings about it at all, which she decided she would stop doing at once.

"Well, I wasn't. Obviously. And I'm happy he's finding success. He's a very talented actor, so I'm not surprised he's working with people like Boyd Kellagher," Rose said, getting herself in hand and saying the things the kind of person she wanted to be would say.

"Are you going to see his new play?" her aunt asked.

"It looks like I'm going to be busy over the next few months," Rose said dourly, checking the time again. Her family's tardiness did not bode well for their contributions to fixing up the inn.

She picked up her phone and scrolled to her father's work number at the tax preparation office he managed. He should have been here, not there, but she tried calling anyway. A new receptionist picked up the phone and sent a flutter of worry through her when he confirmed that yes, Derek Kelly was there, one second, please.

"Hey, princess," her father said when he reached the phone, sounding both wary and cheerful. "Can this be quick? You know it's not great for you to call at work, and it's tax season-"

"Dad!" Rose burst out. "What are you doing? You're supposed to be meeting with me and Max right now."

There was a pause. Her father's palm shifted awkwardly on the receiver.

"Did your uncle Ken not get a chance to talk to you this weekend?"


"Ah. Well." Her father's voice trailed off. Rose waited for him to say more, but he didn't.

"You can still come now. It's only fifteen minutes if you take a cab," Rose said, looking worriedly at Max's financial adviser, who showed signs of bolting.

"I'm sorry you didn't know. And for your time this morning. But the boys and I talked about it over Christmas," her father said, still sounding deeply uncomfortable. "And we think you should sell the inn."

"What?" Rose said, leaning back in shock. "No. No. That doesn't make any sense."

Setting aside the problem that nobody had a big enough house for them all to get together if she sold it, the inn was an income-producing property. Or it was when it wasn't closed from storm damage. It was how Rose paid her aunt's bills.

"Yeah, it does though," her father insisted. "It's going to be a big old time and money suck for months, and it's just not worth it to haul ourselves out there every winter anymore."

"What do you mean not worth it? Everyone loves that place. It takes, like, a couple hours, doorstep to doorstep. And-"

"I know, but honestly, sweetie, can't you get back to Boston easier than Martha's Vineyard? Plus, your brother's the one with kids, and even he was saying he'd rather take them down to Disney next year."

Nobody had told her this. Nobody had breathed a single word of this to her. That couldn't be right-they just didn't want to help with the repairs.

"No. It can't be like it was this year every year-we were all crammed in at dinner, we barely saw the cousins-Dad. Dad, no. Come on. I made a schedule. I made binders. And if everyone pitches in just on the weekends, it'll only take a few months-"

Her voice was winding up higher and tighter, and she didn't like how young she sounded. She regrouped. Her father wasn't listening to her, which wasn't unusual, but he didn't like to fight either. She just had to hold her ground.

She couldn't sell the inn. She'd slept on the foldout couch in her parents' house this year, tiptoed through their space, carried hot casseroles on her lap through expensive cab rides, and none of it, not a bit of it, had felt like it should.

"I have to get back to it," her father muttered sheepishly. "Ken said he was going to talk to you. You should talk to Ken about the inn. It just makes more sense to sell and be done with it."

He all but hung up on her.

Rose jerked back in her chair, quickly looking for support from her aunt's financial adviser-the person who had walked her through all the insurance paperwork two months ago. His face bore sympathy . . . but not support. Nor surprise.

After he'd eaten her pastries?

"My dad talked to you about this," she accused him.

He cleared his throat. "Your father asked me to check what the inn would sell for without repairs, yes."

"It's got to be less than what it could produce if we fix it up. What did you say?"

"That it would simplify your aunt's estate significantly-"

"Her estate?" After she died? "She's sitting right here!"

Excerpted from No One Does It Like You by Katie Shepard. Copyright © 2024 by Katie Shepard. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

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About the Author

Photo © Katie Shepard

Katie Shepard studied Soviet history and worked in human rights law before burning way—way out—and achieved professional tranquility as a simple country bankruptcy lawyer. She lives in Texas with her husband, kids, and elderly rescue cat, but is often found hiking in the Rocky Mountains or the virtual woods of Thedas. Learn more at katieshepard.com.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Release Day Blitz & Review: A Vampire’s Mate by Rebecca Zanetti

 Happy Release Day!

In the immortal world, the thrill of the hunt can turn deadly.

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti comes a new story in her Dark Protectors/Rebels series…

There’s nothing Jasper Maxwell likes better than a good chase. He is patient and cunning, and he is known as one of the coldest hunters in the immortal realm. As a vampire with a hint of demon blood in him, he stands out even amongst the finest trackers in the shifter world. So the fact that his mate has managed to escape him for the past five decades is something that keeps him intrigued and more obsessed with every passing year. The game is beyond delicious until a century old enemy resurfaces, putting his sweet little mate in danger. At that point, he has no choice but to secure her.

Leah Ferry enjoys immortality almost as much as she thrills at the cat and mouse game she’s playing with the Maxwell hunter. Once human, she figured she’d live her life wearing pearls and vacuuming in pressed dresses only to be thrown into the immortal world where freedom is intoxicating. On a mission to take down degenerate humans and make them pay, things go wrong, so per her usual arrangement, she starts to run. But this time, her sexy and deadly vampire mate stands in her way. She quickly learns that the sensual chase between them was nothing compared to the real danger coming for her.



“I’m called Jasper Maxwell.” He studied her and waited.

She’d never heard of him. “What a lovely name. I’m Leah Ferry. Why am I not dead?”

“I gave you some of my blood.”

She winced. “You what?” That made no sense. While she’d heard the Nazis conducted experiments that nobody understood, healing blood seemed too good to be true. Impossible, really.

“I’m a vampire, Leah, with a hint of demon thrown in.” He looked deadly serious.

“Ah,” she said. “Of course you are.” She had to get away from this man. While he had saved her life, he apparently had serious mental problems. She needed to get on those skis. “Peter and John…” she started.

Jasper shook his head. “They blew up with the bridge. There was no way to save either of them.”

It hurt. They’d been good friends and even better spies. Pain filled her chest. Yet another agonizing loss to add to her list. Soon, she’d have no one left. “I understand.”

His gaze narrowed. “You accept reality quickly, don’t you?”

“One has to as a spy.”

“Have you always been a spy?”

She tried not to cough because her chest felt tight. “I spent four years as a housewife wearing dresses and pearls while vacuuming.” She often missed the person she had once been. Even if the world centered itself, she’d never be that carefree girl again.

“Four whole years?” he asked. “Are you still married?”

The pain of the first of her many losses still echoed inside her. “I was. My husband died two years ago, almost right after we joined the war effort.” She missed him; they’d been great pals. Never again would she allow herself to get that close to another person.

“So now you’re a spy by yourself?”

She looked toward where the bridge had been. “I had friends, but now I’m on my own.”

“I could get you to safety.”

“I don’t want safety.” For some reason, she’d been given a second chance, and she was going to fetch those skis and find her way into Poland to aid the resistance. “Do you want to help us?” She didn’t know him, and he seemed unhinged, but he had saved her life, and they needed all the help they could get.

A veil drew down over his eyes. “Sorry, I’m on my own path right now. There are wars you don’t know about.”

“I can only handle one,” she said. “A vampire war, huh?” She tried not to sound terrified.

In answer, fangs dropped in his mouth. His eyes swirled an unreal silver through the blue and green and then returned to normal.

Her body hurt too much for her to feel true shock. So, it was true. Was she concussed? “Oh,” she said lamely. “I’ve heard stories. Whispers, really. But I didn’t believe them.”

“You should have.”


I am such a fan of Rebecca’s Dark Protectors world and every time a new story comes out, I gobble up every word!

Leah is a strong, fierce mate whose stubbornness gets the better of her. Jasper is a tall, hunky vampire with an equally fierce protectiveness and antiquated ways of thinking on what a mate should do. Jasper has a dangerous job but he wants Leah safe at home while he goes out and has all the fun. I mean, he means well, but he obviously doesn’t know who he mated if he thinks Leah will be the good little mate waiting at the door for her male to come home. 

Leah has a purpose greater than herself, she’s not ready to settle down with Jasper, even though she's had eight decades of freedom. 

Leah and Jasper’s interests cross paths in Paris and they team up to take care of some super bad baddies. While Leah has taken advantage of the extended life afforded vampire mates, she’s not as physically strong as she should be because she hasn’t been in close proximity to her mate, Jasper. It’s a learning lesson for all as the pair stumble their way through cobblestone streets… and their relationship.

A Vampire’s Mate is a fun, fast read that will leave readers wanting more!

**Thank you to 1001 Dark Nights for a review copy of the book generously provided in exchange for an honest review**

Grab your copy today, exclusively on Amazon!

Add A Vampire's Mate to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3q5VNjU

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**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it’s an introduction to an author’s world. And for fans, it’s a bonus book in the author’s series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**