Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Review: Crossing the Line by P.A. DePaul

Crossing The Line is Book #3 in P.A.'s SBG Romantic Suspense series.

This book is a long time coming and I am so excited to read about Romeo and Magician.

These two have been dancing around one another since the beginning of the series and now we get to find out if they've got what it takes to make it, or if they're better off as teammates. 

Grab your copy today!

About the Book

Best friends and partners through high-stakes missions . . . Yet the biggest risk they’ll take is falling in love.

Eight months ago, black ops operative, Magician, infiltrated a sex-slave ring. Little did she realize the mission would not only change her life forever but kick off a series of events no one saw coming.

Romeo still can’t wipe the image of Magician’s battered body nearly dying in his arms. Since then, one-night stands have lost their appeal. Now, his best friend and partner stars in fantasies he has no business envisioning.

When a pro-American Oil lobbyist and a Saudi Arabian Oil Sheikh—two natural enemies—join forces to destroy new legislation allowing America to gain independence from foreign oil, they utilize bombings to throw the country into chaos.

Magician’s intuition knows there’s a connection between the two, but she’s forbidden to investigate since she has no evidence. Romeo doesn’t think twice about defying orders and remains by Magician’s side. He was sidelined once and Magician paid a horrific price, he will not let anyone hurt her again. Their investigation takes them across the globe, jeopardizing their careers and lives.

But nothing is riskier than gambling their friendship to find love…

My Review

Crossing the Line is a full-throttle intense ride of subterfuge and sexy times!

The slow-burning chemistry Romeo and Magician have had throughout the series finally explodes into a fiery, all-consuming passion that leaves destruction in its wake. No one gets out unscathed. I blushed furiously several times while reading and couldn’t put the book down.

The suspense of the story is exciting and full of surprises. Romeo and Magician’s relationship upsets Delta Squad’s applecart. . . and there are consequences. I sat flabbergasted as the author wrung my insides out with her intense plot twists and turns, leaving me a ruined shell of a reader, in the best way.

P.A. DePaul leaves nothing on the table in Crossing the Line. Amazing! I can’t wait for the next book!

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

Purchase Links

Author's Website Shop | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play

About the Author

P. A. DePaul is a Publishers Weekly Bestselling and award-winning author.

Her books are full of action, suspense, and romance.

As a hybrid author, she has books traditionally and independently published. Her traditional publishers include Berkley, a Penguin Random House imprint, and Harlequin Books.

P.A. DePaul loves connecting with readers! You can find her on these social media and book sites:

Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

Lemon8 | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub

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