Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Release Day Blitz & Review: Legacy of Temptation by Larissa Ione

Happy Release Day Larissa Ione!

Legacy of Temptation is Book #22 in her Demonica series and the FIRST book in her Demonica Birthright series! Yes, that's right! We've got a series of second generation of Demonica kids all grown up! If you thought the Demonica and Horsemen were hot, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Today, I'm celebrating by sharing my review and an excerpt!

Purchase links are also below! Grab your copy TODAY!

About the Book

The legacy continues...

Eva Tennant, like everyone at The Aegis, hates demons. But she loves her job as Deputy Spokesperson for the global demon-slaying organization, and she’s excited to be in the running for Chief Spokesperson. All she has to do is not screw up the two-week exchange program with The Aegis’s rival agency, the Demon Activity Response Team. But things go horribly wrong when a murder turns her into a fugitive from justice and puts a demonic target on her back.

Logan, son of the Horseman of the Apocalypse known as Death, has dedicated his life to fighting demons alongside his colleagues at DART. He loves fighting, females, and his pet hellhound, Cujo. What he doesn’t love is The Aegis, whose leadership attempted to slaughter him at birth. Understandably, he balks when he’s ordered to protect an Aegis Guardian responsible for the deaths of his friends. Really, he’d rather feed her to Cujo.

But when an old enemy rises from the ashes, Eva and Logan find themselves giving into temptation even as they sacrifice the things…and people…they love the most.


Eva wasn’t sure what she’d expected the inside of DART’s main office building to look like, but a modern, brightly lit headquarters with a jungle-themed fountain in the lobby wasn’t it. Although the demon and angel statues eyeing each other with suspicion in the center of the spray weren’t all that unexpected.

Keeley had thrown a coin into the crystal pool out of some sort of superstition as they walked toward the auditorium where they now sat, waiting impatiently for someone to show up and give them the scheduled orientation.

“Of course, they’re late,” Carlos growled. “Go figure that a bunch of Aegis traitors can’t be trusted to handle shit efficiently.”

“Idiots,” Sig said, kicking the stage in front of him, leaving a dusty boot print.

Eva wasn’t so sure they were idiots, but this was definitely not a professional start to the cooperative mission.

The door near the back of the stage whispered open, and everyone went silent as a figure emerged from the shadows.

“Holy shit.” Keeley sounded a little breathless as she jabbed Eva in the ribs. “No way that guy is a demon. Angel for sure.”

Keeley wasn’t serious…probably…but Eva understood where she’d gotten the angel thing. The man who’d just entered the chamber was stunning. Really stunning. His wavy blond hair gleamed like a halo under the harsh stage lights, and ropy, thick muscles in his forearms flexed under tan skin as he strode across the stage. The strike of his combat boots echoed through the chamber, making her heart pound with every step.

His black DART T-shirt was tucked into midnight tactical pants that cut a shadowy figure against the dark curtain behind him.

He gave them all a bored glance as he walked toward the mic. Seriously, he was going to use the mic to talk to a whopping six people?

She felt a little foolish when he strolled past the mic and plopped down on the edge of the stage, his long legs dangling over the side.

“My name is Logan,” he said in a deep, rumbling voice that made heat curl in her belly.

“Apparently, I drew the short stick, and now I have to give you the DART 101 lecture. You probably don’t want to be here any more than I do, so here are the basics. DART stands for Demonic Activity Response Team. We formed thirty-five years ago when we broke off from The Aegis because, I dunno, let’s go with philosophical differences. Now, we’re doing this prisoner exchange thing, where people from DART hang out at Aegis headquarters, and you guys hang out here—”

My Review

Readers, hold onto your hats, keep your hands and legs inside the book at all times and fasten your seatbelts. Things are about to get crazy! Holy goddess this is a wild ride!

The Demonica series has always been a favorite of mine. I love this “no rules” world of demons, debauchery, and deviousness. Where the battle between Good vs Evil is not always a straight line. Where choices have consequences deadlier than you can imagine. And where love blooms in the most unusual of places. 

Which is why I am SO excited to read about the second generation of Demonica Kids! The series begins three decades after the events that happened in Reaper (Demonica #19). So, you absolutely can reread Reaper before tackling Legacy of Temptation, but it’s not absolutely necessary. There may, however, be some spoiler-y things if you don’t, but when I discovered them, I just thought they were fun surprises that just added to the magic of the story. 

In Legacy of Temptation, the world is definitely a different place and a lot of things have happened. Some good, some bad and some really, really, REALLY bad. So bad, in fact, that the Aegis (a mostly human demon-hating organization) embarks on an exchange program with the Demon Activity Response Team (Demons/Angels/Otherworldlies fighting against baddie demons and otherworldlies) to help each other learn techniques to help take down scary bad demons. It’s more of a PR stunt than anything. Don’t want to alarm the humans on how dangerous the threats to the world really are. Things are literally going to hell in a handbasket, and that’s on a good day. Unfortunately, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. 

No one gets out unscathed.

Oh my GOODNESS! I read this book in less than 24 hours. It’s unputdownable! Brilliant world building. Diverse characters. So many WTF moments!

If you thought Larissa Ione was pulling her punches in previous books, she sure the hell isn’t now!

An absolutely exciting, amazing, funny, unpredictable, explosive, grief-inducing, crazy wild story full of action, danger and so much more! I HIGHLY recommend Legacy of Temptation and the entire Demonica series! 

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

Purchase Links

Amazon | Amazon Worldwide | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books

Kobo | Google Play

About the Author

Air Force veteran Larissa Ione traded in a career in meteorology to pursue her passion of writing. She has since published dozens of books, hit several bestseller lists, including the New York Times and USA Today, and has been nominated for a RITA award. When she isn’t writing, she’s traveling, playing on her VR headset, or watching Big Bang Theory reruns. She believes in celebrating everything, and would never be caught without a bottle of Champagne chilling in the fridge…just in case. She currently lives in Wisconsin with her retired U.S. Coast Guard husband, her son, a rescue cat named Vegas, and her very own hellhounds, a Belgian Malinois named Duvel, and a foster-fail German Shepherd named Fulda. For more information about Larissa Ione and her books, visit her website: https://www.larissaione.com/

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