Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Review: Warrior's Hope (Dark Protector #16) by Rebecca Zanetti!

Happy Release Day Rebecca Zanetti!!!

 Warrior's Hope is Book 16 in Rebecca's Dark Protectors series and is unbelievable! 
Readers are gonna learn today!
Get your copy today!


About the Book

This thrilling novel in the New York Times bestselling author’s popular Dark Protectors series takes readers on a wild ride as the only female vampire ever born brings a love triangle to its explosive conclusion—deciding the fate of battling factions as the forces of good and evil gather for the ultimate showdown.

As the only female vampire ever born, and the heir to two powerful immortal families, Hope Kayrs-Kyllwood has always felt the weight of fate and destiny. Now her heart is torn between two men and two different futures. It’s a choice between duty and love, peace and war, with the fate of everyone she loves hanging in the balance.

As the leader of the Kurjan nation, Drake has always known that mating Hope is the best path to avoiding war. He’s counting on her to know the same. . . . Paxton has been Hope’s best friend and protector since they were children. He would kill and die for her without a second thought. In fact, he’s always known that would be his path . . .

With deadly factions at her heels, Hope must decide whom to trust and where her loyalty lies—before the choice is taken away from her . . .

My Thoughts

Wow! Of all my preconceived notions, expectations and hopes I had for this book, they were completely obliterated! I had my mind blown so many times during the story. I felt bemused, bewildered, betrayed, befuddled and bedazzled! So many secrets revealed! So much action! So many WTF moments! I could not believe everything that happened! Clear your calendar and your day so you have uninterrupted reading time. You’re not going to want to miss a single moment of this fast-paced, emotionally draining, wild ride! Warrior’s Hope is the conclusion to The Seven story arc, but leaves lots of open questions which welcome a new arc for the Dark Protectors series. I’m looking forward to this new journey! Let’s Go!!!!

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book.

Purchase Links


Copyright by Rebecca Zanetti

****Spoilers if  you haven't read Garrett's Destiny****

**** spoiler **** spoiler **** spoiler **** spoiler ****



The door opened, and she stepped out, nearly falling back when a bundle of energy rushed at her. She laughed and leaned down to pick up her younger brother, happy that she could do so without her arm killing her.

"Where have you been?" he asked.

She cuddled him close. "What do you mean where have I been? I was out doing tough girl stuff."

He leaned back to look at at her, both of his chubby little hands cupping her face. "You are a tough girl," he said.

"Yes, I am." She kissed the top of his head.

At two years old, Andrew Scott Kyllwood, also known as Drew, was pretty much the cutest thing on the planet. He had Zane's black hair and Janie's blue eyes, and already he could speak at a fifth-grade level. He was kind, and he was funny, and he was all his father's son.

"Dad!" he yelled, partially turning in Hope's arms.

Hope tossed the boy to Zane, who easily caught him and swung him in a circle. "How quickly they move on," she said.

Copyright by Rebecca Zanetti

About the Author

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