Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Happy National Book Lovers Day!

 Let's Celebrate!!!

Happy National Book Lovers Day!

I didn't even know this was a thing. Where in the heck have I been all these years? Oh yeah, stuck in my books! What a wonderful thing to celebrate!

I am so happy and thankful each and every day for books. They have saved my sanity so many times and have given me so much joy in the darkest times of my life. 

I am physically disabled and a chronic pain sufferer and books are often my life raft. On days when I'm in so much pain or in such an awful mood and unbearable to be around, books help calm the storm and take my mind off the pain for a little while. 

Books are amazing! Stories can heal the broken, give hope to the hopeless and help find you when you're most lost. 

Books give me so much joy and happiness and I am so thankful for every author and publisher and every bookstore and library.

Today I'm celebrating by sharing one of my favorite authors with you! 

I'd love to hear some of yours too! Please share them in the comments!

Nalini Singh

The Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh

This is an amazing series with angels and vampires. The Guild Hunters are trained (and some are born hunters with extra senses) who hunt down rogue vampires and bring them in to face punishment. It's an exciting, funny and awesome series! It's more fantasy than paranormal romance but there are several HEAs in the books so you won't miss the romance! 

Ms. Singh also has a Psy-Changeling/Psy-Changeling Trinity series with shifters, humans and the Psy, a society of people with dangerous psychic talents who suppress emotions, relying solely on logic in the ultimate goal for power. Each book has an HEA.

Slave to Sensation is Book 1 in the series and simply amazing! 

About the Book

Dive into a world torn apart by a powerful race with phenomenal powers of the mind—and none of the heart…

In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of “rehabilitation”— the complete psychic erasure of everything she ever was….

Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a Changeling hungry for the very sensations the Psy disdain. After centuries of uneasy co-existence, these two races are now on the verge of war over the brutal murders of several Changeling women. Lucas is determined to find the Psy killer who butchered his packmate, and Sascha is his ticket into their closely guarded society. But he soon discovers that this ice-cold Psy is very capable of passion—and that the animal in him is fascinated by her. Caught between their conflicting worlds, Lucas and Sascha must remain bound to their identities—or sacrifice everything for a taste of darkest temptation…


Doesn't it sound awesome???

Visit Nalini's website HERE for more information! You can also find excerpts and purchase links if you need them!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Book Lovers day!

Happy Reading! 

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