Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Blog Tour: Holiday Heat by Donna Grant!

 Happy Release Day Donna Grant!

It's Christmas in July!

Holiday Heat is a book of holiday novellas from the Dark Universe.

Get your copy today!

About the Book

Features four novellas from the Reaper, Dark King, and Dark Sword/Dark Warrior series by New York Times bestselling author Donna Grant.


The holiday season is for revelry, and the Reapers take full advantage to celebrate as a family.


It's Valentine's Day at Dreagan, and V has special plans for his mate.


Ulrik, King of Silvers, comes face to face with his past and discovers a link to his mate that had been there all along.


Just days away from the winter solstice, Christmas, and Boxing Day, the Warriors and Druids of MacLeod castle come together once more to give thanks for the family they’ve made and the hardships they’ve overcome.


        River glanced over her shoulder and winked at Kyran as she left their house. She still couldn’t believe she had fallen in love with a Reaper. Being a Halfling—half-human, half-Fae—had made for a difficult life growing up. She didn’t belong in the Fae world because her blood was tainted. The human world only saw the beauty of a Fae and tried to exploit it. That’s why she had attempted to hide who she was. Not to mention, she had gotten the family’s gift. The ability to read ancient Fae languages. Something that only happened once a generation.
        She learned not just of her family’s legacy but also how to defend herself. She’d had no choice but to become a warrior. River both hated and liked that she had Fae blood. Since Kyran, she had come to terms with who she was and how she could use it to help Death and the Reapers.
        Her steps were light as she walked. Death’s realm was picturesque in every sense of the word. Every single place on the realm was jaw-droppingly gorgeous. She and Kyran had settled on a section of rolling hills near a loch. The minute he saw it, he just stopped and stared. He hadn’t had to say a word. It was clear he was taken by it. She had known immediately that this was where he wanted to have a home.
        After he became a Reaper, he and the others had moved about constantly, setting up temporary quarters on Earth. He hadn’t had a real home in many centuries. Seeing how enamored he was with the location made it the perfect place for their home. The other Reapers found similar places.
        Some were farther from the white tower that Erith and Cael used as their home, but she and Kyran were one of the closest to it. She didn’t have the ability to teleport as the Reapers did, so she had to walk. River enjoyed having the time to herself—and the exercise. She shivered slightly in the cool, damp air, deciding that before she did anything, she should speak to Erith. This was Death’s realm, after all.
        Forty minutes later, River reached the white tower. She lifted her hand to knock, but the door opened before she got the chance. She found herself staring into Cael’s purple eyes. The once-Light Fae had previously been the leader of Kyran’s group of Reapers. After an altercation with one of his enemies where he nearly died—only to be saved by Erith’s magic—he’d been transformed into a god.
        “River,” Cael greeted her with a smile. “What brings you to our door?”
        “I was hoping I could talk with you and Erith.”
        He stepped aside so she could enter. “Of course.”
        River glanced up at the curving staircase that ran along one of the tower’s walls, all the way to the very top. She spotted Erith midway up, making her way down the steps. Her long, blue-black hair was in a loose plait over one shoulder. The petite goddess effortlessly glided down the steps in an all-black outfit that was a cross between Xena: Warrior Princess and Hela from Thor. Somehow, Erith pulled it off in only a manner that Death could.
        “What can we do for you?” Erith asked when she reached the bottom.
        River took a deep breath and said, “I’m missing some of the things we did on Earth. I was hoping to throw a holiday dinner like what Con and Rhi did at Dreagan. Just for us here,” she hastily added.
        Erith’s lavender gaze briefly moved to Cael before she said, “I think that would be delightful. With everything we’ve been dealing with, I’m sorry to say I haven’t thought about what those of you who came here left behind.”
        “You have our gratitude for opening your home to us. We might miss a few things from Earth, but that can be remedied.”
        Cael walked to stand beside Erith. “I think a dinner party is just what we need.”
        “Yes,” Erith said with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
        River understood. Their enemies had gotten powerful. Then there was the fact they chasing Xaneth—a royal Fae who had helped them. On top of that, Aisling had gone in search of him. Erith wasn’t just looking for one person now but two. All of that weighed heavily on her slim shoulders.
        That’s when River realized that it wasn’t just her that needed a night to remember what they had. Erith did, too.
        All of them did.

Copyright by Donna Grant

Purchase Links

✦SIGNED PRINT→ https://dgrant.co/43JpLJj

✦Amazon→ https://amzn.to/3mqmUo8

✦BN→ https://dgrant.co/3Xz4H6g

✦Kindle→ https://amzn.to/3mqmUo8

✦Nook→ https://dgrant.co/435cFq8

✦Apple→ https://dgrant.co/3nMCECH

✦Kobo→ https://dgrant.co/3ZLPizz

✦Google→ https://dgrant.co/3X7i3GH

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