Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Release Day Review: Bull Moon Rising by Ruby Dixon

Happy Release Day!

Bull Moon Rising is the first book in a new series by Ruby Dixon!

Royal Artifactual Guild #1

The special first edition hardcover will include a gorgeous, shimmering jacket with effects, brilliantly illustrated four-color endpapers, striking and detailed-stained edges, and a beautiful foil-stamped case.

About the Book

In a world of magical artifacts and fantastical beings, a woman determined to save her family joins forces with an unlikely partner—a minotaur—in this steamy romantasy by USA Today bestselling author Ruby Dixon. 

As a Holder’s daughter, Aspeth Honori knows the importance of magical artifacts . . . which is why it’s a disaster that her father has gambled all theirs away. Now that her family is in danger of losing their hold—and their heads—if anyone finds out the truth, Aspeth decides to do something about it. She’ll join the Royal Artifactual Guild and the adventurers who explore ancient underground ruins to retrieve the coveted arcane items.

 It’s a great plan—with one big problem. The guild won’t let her train because she’s a woman. Aspeth needs a chaperone of some kind. The best way to get around this problem? Marry someone who will let her become an apprentice. Who better than a surly guild member who requires a favor of his own? He’s a minotaur (it’s fine) who is her teacher (also fine) . . . and he’s about to go into rut (which is where it gets tricky). He also has no idea she’s a noble (oops), and he’ll want nothing to do with her if he discovers her real identity. 

Now Aspeth just has to pass the guild tests, thwart a fortune hunter, and save her hold—oh, and survive a rut with her monstrous, horned husband, whom she might be falling in love with. 

It’s time to dig deep. Literally.





27 Days Before the Conquest MoonThe coach taking us to Vastwarren City is creaky, the seating is uncomfortable, and I paid far too much for the ride. But it's also very obviously an artifact, which is why I wanted to take it. The exterior looks the same as every other coach that was waiting on the street in front of the inn, but this one had no horse harnessed to the front, nor a yoke for it. Instead, there was a symbol carved into the wood that I recognized as Old Prellian.

The coachman charged a pretty penny but I didn't care. I wanted to ride in that damned artifact coach.

And now here we are, and it's a dreadful, bouncy ride. I can't help but eye the coach covetously anyhow. It speeds along the cobbled roads without a horse to draw it, heading for the city in the distance. The driver is a cheerful sort, too, and seated inside with us instead of riding on a bench atop the coach. He faces the windows and holds reins as if he's steering a horse, yet there's nothing pulling us along. More symbols in Old Prellian crawl over the front of the coach and I'm absolutely dying to lean forward and read them, but I'd have to shove my face into his lap to do so because my vision is so dreadful. I have to content myself with the knowledge that the coach is indeed magical and the merrily chatting coachman won't sell it. No one sells an artifact.

Well, no one except my foolish father.

I bite my cuticles, squinting out the window as the magic coach barrels past a field with a great deal of people standing in it. They dig at the dirt with shovels, and it looks as if there's a booth at the far end of the muddy land. A sign next to the booth reads in bright, colorful letters, DIG FOR ARTIFACTS! YOU FIND YOU KEEP!

"Does that work?" I blurt out to our driver as we pass by. "Does anyone truly find an artifact in the fields?"

The driver chuckles. "Oh, no, that's purely for the tourists. Everyone shows up with a few pennies and their spades, ready to turn their luck around. They all think they'll find the next automaton or Pitcher of Endless Wine. No one does, but they leave at the end of the day happy. I heard some of the more unscrupulous sorts take broken artifacts and bury them in the fields so people can find something." He shakes his head. "You're better off avoiding that sort of thing."

"But your coach is an artifact," I point out, ignoring the stomp of Gwenna's foot on mine. "How did you acquire it?"

He reaches out and pats the coach like it's a person. It might as well be. Any working artifact is more prized than gold. "A gift to an ancestor from the king. It's been in the family for generations. I'm lucky to have her."

"It's quite rare," I agree. "No one's tried to steal it from you?"

This time Gwenna pinches me.

"It'd be useless if they did," he tells me cheerfully, oblivious to my line of thought. "It dies at sunset and there's a magic word to make it activate at sunrise. That word is a carefully guarded secret in my family and we wouldn't share it, even upon pain of death."

I think perhaps this man just hasn't been pressed enough yet. Surely someone could coax a magic word out of him with the right sort of convincing. Then I'm disgusted at my own thoughts, because I'm imagining someone torturing a coach driver (who's been quite lovely, honestly) over his artifact.

It's just that the Honori family needs artifacts dreadfully. I debate how to approach my next question in a delicate manner, and all the while Gwenna stares at me with narrowed eyes. "I don't suppose you'd sell it?" I ask. "I'd make you a very wealthy man."

I'm lying, of course.

If I had two pennies to rub together, I wouldn't be fleeing Honori Hold. If I had two pennies to rub together, I would have married Barnabus Chatworth despite the fact that he's a title hunter. As it is, I am quite, quite broke . . . but that doesn't mean I can't try. If I could get him to sell this carriage to me, it wouldn't solve my problems, but it'd be a step in the right direction.

It'd be something.

"Oh, I can't do that," the coachman says, and I'm not surprised. "I inherited this girl from my father, and she'll be going to my son after me." He caresses the front of the coach again, like a lover. "I can't sell my family out for money when the money will come in simply because of the artifact."

"I understand." I still think someone could torture the word of power out of him, but I understand.

He glances at the back seat of the coach, where Gwenna huddles next to me, holding my cat's carrying sack. "Some things aren't for sale."

If they were, then my problems would be solved . . . or would they? Considering I have no money as well as no artifacts, I wouldn't know. "Indeed."

"So you ladies are heading into Vastwarren? This your first time in the city?"

"First time," I agree, glancing back at the dirt field as it disappears from view. I'm tempted to grab a spade and try my luck with all the others, just to see if one can truly find an artifact in all that mud. If there's even a chance, it's worth trying, isn't it? For a moment, I dream about shoveling a few spadefuls of dirt, just enough to put in a bit of effort, and then striking down upon metal. I'd pull it up and uncover a gilded, gleaming artifact. Not just any artifact, either. One with endless charges, just like the coach we're in right now. Or perhaps one of the ones that recharge in sunlight.

And it'd have to be something useful, too. Nothing like the glass candle that creates an endless wisp of rose-scented smoke. Something like one of the shielding crystals that are used in the capital would be perfect. Or something that creates a sought-after item from thin air, like the decanter that pours serpent venom. An artifact of war from Old Prell, that's what Honori Hold needs. Several of them, actually. We need defense, and a way to fund our hold.

And we need those artifacts to actually work. The ones currently filling our vault are all dead. A dead artifact is as useless as . . . well, as a holder heiress with no funds and no artifacts to defend her family's holdings. I bite back a sigh and lean my head against the window of the coach, watching as another family hurries toward the field with buckets and spades in tow, chattering excitedly.

Gwenna nudges me, and I realize the coach driver was talking to me.

"Mmm?" I inquire, straightening.

"You didn't say who you are and why you're heading to Vastwarren City. Attending a party of some kind?" The way he says it sounds hesitant, as if he doesn't understand why anyone would host a party in Vastwarren. The king avoids the place because it's said to be rough-and-tumble. That makes me a little nervous. When I envision "rough-and-tumble," I think of some of my father's stableboys and how they get loud after they've had a few drinks. But that's only a few stableboys. I cannot imagine an entire city of that. Leaning forward, I peer out the windows of the coach to the city in the distance. It looks like a great big stain spread over a hill, with the smog of a thousand chimneys polluting the air overhead. All of it looks dirty, but that doesn't mean it's unsafe . . .

Does it?

I've read a heap of books about Vastwarren City, but mostly in a historical context. I know all about how this spot on the plains between two rivers was once the hub of a large ancient city called Prell, and Prell was full of magic. The gods grew angry at the people of Prell and had it swallowed up by the ground, where it was forgotten for hundreds of years. Then, three hundred years ago, the Mancer Wars broke out. At the end of the conflict, magic was outlawed, and a new industry was started-artifact retrieval. Vastwarren City was built atop the bones of Old Prell.

Vastwarren is truly the only city that's not under holder rule. The rest of Mithas is divvied up into great estates lorded over by holders like my father, and all of the holders are ruled by the king. But Vastwarren? It's a place unto itself, and the Royal Artifactual Guild holds sway over it.

I don't know what the city looks like inside. I know Old Prell had grand plazas with magical fountains, and the inhabitants imbued everything they used with magic, from cups to horse carts to weapons. It sparkled with energy and the people there were rich and glorious . . . but the dirty stain on the horizon tells me that Vastwarren City is an entirely different sort of place, and so are its people.

The coach driver wants to know if we're attending a party, but he's just making conversation. Everyone knows that the nobility avoid Vastwarren and its hardscrabble, rough people. We stick to our isolated holds and to court.

But the driver doesn't know I'm noble, and he wants an answer. Might as well give him the truth. The new truth.

"My name is Sparrow," I tell him, and just saying the name fills me with pride. I straighten, squaring my shoulders. "And I'm heading to the city to join the Royal Artifactual Guild."

I expect him to make the appropriate awed noises that such a pronouncement deserves. Guild artificers are exciting, dangerous individuals, the ones stories are written about. They're respected everywhere they go, and every holder employs the best artificer teams to hunt for them. Everyone reveres an artificer.

Not our coach driver. Instead, he looks back at the two of us again and bursts into laughter.


Once we’re deposited onto the outskirts of Vastwarren City with our baggage, Gwenna glares at me with anger before I can even take a good look at our surroundings. She pinches my arm, scowling the moment the coach lumbers away. “You absolute fibber! Why did you tell that man your name was Sparrow?”

Squeaker howls for attention in her carrier, the sound loud enough to make people pause in the busy street. I open the specialized satchel and heft the large orange cat into my arms. It's like hugging a sack of flour that sheds, but my pet is mollified once she's held in my arms like a baby. I run my fingers over her white chest fur while she purrs. Poor sweetheart. It's been a terrible ride from home. Bad enough that I had to spend the last three days in various coaches bouncing across the countryside. My poor Squeaker had to spend them in a bag. I couldn't leave her behind, though. She's all I've got.

Well, her and Gwenna.

I frown at my maid. "I'm not a fibber. I told you before. Everyone who joins the Royal Artifactual Guild takes on a bird name. It's to honor the first artificer, who was turned into a swan by a cursed artifact. Everyone in the guild is a bird, and the applicants are called fledglings. I've decided that I like the name Sparrow." I pause and then add, "I know this isn't your dream. It's not too late for you to go home. We can say you were kidnapped. Better yet, I can write you a lovely letter of recommendation that would get you hired at any hold. Just say the word."

Gwenna gives me a narrow-eyed stare. "Why are you chasing me off?"

I resist the urge to raise my fingers to my mouth so I can bite my cuticles. Grandmama thinks it's a disgusting habit-and it is-but I can't help myself. When I get anxious, I nip away. I scratch at them with my thumbnail instead. "I just . . . I appreciate your companionship, Gwenna. Truly I do. But this place isn't for proper ladies, and I don't want you to feel trapped into a fate not of your choosing."

She stares ahead at the bustling street in front of us. People of all kinds crowd the cobblestone ways, and all of them look like they come from the rougher parts of the city. Then again, perhaps all of Vastwarren is rough.

"Do you remember when I was nine and you were fourteen? We were girls and my mother had just been hired into your father's kitchens. We played in the garden together before your tutor came and found us. Remember what you said to him?" Gwenna asks.

I squint at her, because I don't recall this day at all. Most of my days as a child were spent sitting alone in Honori Hold with a tutor, because Father would be away at court. Sometimes it would be a mathematics tutor, sometimes an etiquette tutor. The best tutor was the one who encouraged my interests in Old Prell, and the worst was the one hired by Grandmama who wanted me to sew and "work on my laugh" so I could catch a husband. "I'm sorry, I don't recall. What did I say?"

She looks at the buildings around us, holding a hand to her eyes to shield them from the late-day sunlight. "You asked if I could take lessons with you. That you wanted a friend at your side and you liked me."

I smile softly, because I still don't remember, but it sounds like something I would have done. I was so lonely as a child that I was desperate for any sort of attention. "I don't recall. Did we take lessons together, then?"

"No." Her voice goes flat. "Your tutor said that I was a servant, and there was no point in educating someone destined for a kitchen. That educating me would be a waste." Her jaw hardens and she meets my eyes. "I remember that, and I remember the next day that a position was found for me in the scullery, and I had no choice but to say yes, because my mother needed the coin. I think about that all the time."

My mouth goes dry. "I'm sorry, Gwenna-"

"I'm not. His words made me angry." She sets her shoulders back. "It made me realize I wanted more than just a job. I want to learn. I want to be something. Someone. And I'm going to make my own path if it mucking kills me."

Excerpted from Bull Moon Rising by Ruby Dixon. Copyright © 2024 by Ruby Dixon. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

My Review

Ruby Dixon pens us an elaborate tale of courage, sacrifice, purpose . . .  and steamy minotaur nookie 😉

Do you like stories that are intricate? 

Do you love strong and smart heroines that are underestimated? 

Are you a fan of grumpy/stubborn MMCs? 

Interested in slow burning chemistry that develops into fiery, all-consuming passion? 

Supportive secondary characters? 

True grit? 

Self discovery? 

Found family? 

Humorous dialogue? 

Have I got the read for you!

Bull Moon Rising is all of these things and so much more. I love how courageous Aspeth is and how much responsibility she takes on to save her home and keep their people employed and protected. Having been sheltered all her life, Aspeth gets several wake-up calls, including the one where some small-minded butthead mansplains why her apprenticeship application to the artifact guild is denied because of her gender–despite being more than qualified. 

The story is relevant and relatable, the characters are expertly crafted and the dialogue is witty and oh so entertaining. I absolutely enjoyed it and I can’t wait for the next book!  

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

Purchase Links

Penguin Random House

About the Author

Ruby Dixon is an author of all things science fiction romance. She is a Sagittarius and a Reylo shipper, and loves farming sims (but not actual housework). She lives in the South with her husband and a couple of goofy cats, and can’t think of anything else to put in her biography. Truly, she is boring. Learn more at rubydixon.com

Review: You Can Die by Rebecca Zanetti

  To celebrate the upcoming release of You Can Kill, the next book in Rebecca Zanetti's Laurel Snow series, I'm showcasing Books 1-3!

Each week until October 22nd (release day), I'll be sharing my review of a previous book.

Laurel Snow is a thriller series with romantic elements sprinkled in, heavy on the suspense and mystery... and psychopaths! I highly recommend them all! 

You Can Die is the third book in the Laurel Snow thriller series by Rebecca Zanetti. 

If you thought the last two books were exciting… you ain’t seen nothing yet! 

About the Book

Set against the atmospheric snowy backdrop of rural Pacific Northwest, New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti’s edgy, page-turning thriller will have readers guessing until the very end as rising star FBI profiler Laurel Snow navigates her career as a serial killer hunter with her complicated family life. Now she’s in pursuit of a killer with a chillingly bitter M.O. – one that hits far too close to home…

Men are dying in the Pacific Northwest, their bodies found near churches, charities, and counseling centers—each with valentine candy hearts shoved down their throats. They’re good men with families and community ties—or so they seem until Laurel Snow and her team begin to investigate. Then the case takes a shockingly personal turn when the father she’s never met, a former pastor, turns up among the dead.

Now, besides solving her father’s murder, Laurel is on the hunt to discover the truth of his past. Complicating things is Laurel’s troubled half-sister, Abigail, a brilliant sociopath determined to prove that they’ve both inherited their father’s malignant narcissism.

Assisting Laurel is Washington Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers, a dangerous loner whose reliance on gut instinct puts him at odds with Laurel’s coolly analytic approach. But the choice may be moot when the killer hones in on Huck’s own dark secrets—putting him and Laurel squarely in the crosshairs.


 Visit Kensington's website HERE for an excerpt!

My Review

You Can Die is a powerhouse of a story where a string of murders in the area are puzzling Laurel and the team. But as secrets are uncovered, everyone becomes a suspect…  including Laurel. 

Holy cow there’s so much going on here! Lots of excitement! Lots of danger! Lots of family drama!

Laurel’s half-sister Abigail is the epitome of a Twisted Sister, literally! In her attempts to develop a relationship with Laurel, she’s weaving webs of deceit and manipulation all the while cunning in her duplicity. 

Thankfully Laurel is onto her BS but Abigail has most of the people believing she’s a slighted sister and emotionally fragile. Boy are they in for a rude awakening. But the thing is, those who become entangled in Abigail’s web, succumb to the poison of her venom, and often fodder for her machinations. 

OMG! Another crazy good story from Rebecca Zanetti! So many things happen! Secrets uncovered! Threats and challenges and surprises and a whole bunch of stuff happens! I can’t say much more without spoiling it. Read it! You’ll be glad you did!

The entire series is amazing! Highly recommend it!

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

Purchase Links

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books

Kobo | Google Play | Kensington Books

About the Author

New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly and #1 Amazon bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti has published more than sixty novels, which have been translated into several languages, with more than five million copies sold world-wide. Her books have received Publishers Weekly starred reviews and have been featured in Entertainment Weekly, Woman’s World, and Women’s Day Magazines. Her novels have also been included in Amazon best books of the year and have been favorably reviewed in both the Washington Post and the New York Times Book Reviews. Rebecca has ridden in a locked Chevy trunk, has asked the unfortunate delivery guy to release her from a set of handcuffs, and has discovered the best silver mine shafts in which to bury a body…all in the name of research. Honest. Find Rebecca at:  www.RebeccaZanetti.com

Monday, October 14, 2024

Release Day Blast: The Bastard King by Donna Grant

The Bastard King

A dragon without a family. An outcast running from her past. They might be able to stop the impending doom—if they learn to trust each other. 

A Dragon King duology from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Donna Grant.

About the Book

With just one fiery embrace I could destroy her…or love her until the end of time.

I am fire and death. My very presence brings terror and panic. For most, I am the last thing they will ever see. For there is only one thing I live for — freeing my kin.

Every action, every battle brings me a step closer. Nothing distracts me from my purpose.

Until she crosses my path.

Brave and fearless, she holds me utterly enthralled. I have to know her. Her past and her future. But especially the secrets she keeps closely guarded.

One taste of her lips, and I’m caught. Trapped. Seized. The more I’m with her, the harder it is to leave. But I have sworn allegiance to another who promises to free the dragons.

Her or my kin. It was once an easy choice.

Before my heart got involved.



The berries in his hand were forgotten as Derek watched the woman run away hunched over. She jumped onto a boulder and straightened as if to declare her presence. The jingle of armor announced the soldiers before he saw them racing after her.

He couldn’t remember the last time a human had been friendly. Men avoided him. Women only wanted in his bed. But not a single one had ever put themselves into harm’s way for him?

Until her.

Derek rose to his feet. He looked from the soldiers to the woman. The path she took only led one place. And he knew what the soldiers were about. None of this involved him. He had no reason to meddle. But she intrigued him. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been fascinated by anyone. Especially a human.

He started running, slowly at first but increased his speed. Derek kept her in his sights, and just as he expected, she ran toward the blocked valley near the wetland. Was she leading them there on purpose? She was fast. Not as fast as him, but faster than the soldiers. She could have outdistanced them quickly, but she hadn’t. Instead, she had slowed so they could keep up.


She wanted them in that part of the valley for a purpose. Five against one wasn’t good odds. Maybe there were others waiting to help her. His curiosity was raised now. Nothing was going to stop him from seeing the outcome.

Derek diverted and took another route that cut through the marshland. His feet slapped through the water, spraying it as he ran. He arrived, waiting within the thick mist when the woman rushed into the valley. She slid to a halt and spun to face her pursuers. Long, dark hair had come loose from its binding and hung to her waist. She stood with her feet apart, her hands at her sides. Her chest heaved from the exertion while her gaze was locked on the approaching soldiers.

“Seems you have nowhere to go,” a female soldier stated.

The woman smiled softly. “I’m the one who stopped.”

“Because no one goes in there.” The soldier jerked her chin toward the swamp.

Derek was well hidden. But everyone knew the swamp was a dangerous place.

Because of him.

The silence was broken by a crossbow being fired. The woman leaned to the side just before the bolt struck her. Derek marveled at her ability to dodge it. In seconds, the soldiers surrounded her. He took a step forward, only to stop. He was curious about the human, but it didn’t go farther than that.

She ducked and dodged, spun and sidestepped. She even managed to block a few blows, but she was up against weapons with only her wits. A part of him wanted to help. As he was considering it, she suddenly jerked at the impact of a quarrel into her chest. There was a slight tightening of her face before she ducked a sword going for her head. Another blade cut along her thigh when she lunged. One of the soldiers stabbed her in the back.

It was a blood bath. And he had seen enough. Derek shifted into his true form. He stalked forward, knocking over trees as he did. The mist swirled around him as if trying to keep him hidden. It parted when he pushed onward, revealing his face first.

Four of the soldiers caught sight of him and froze. The female leader was too intent on the woman to take notice. She swung her sword down and around, embedding it deep in the woman’s side. Derek growled. She lifted her eyes to meet his. Her face drained of color as she tugged her blade free.

The woman dropped to her knees before listing to the side and rolling onto her back. The scent of blood filled the air. Derek stood over her. He didn’t know why. There was no saving the human. Not that he would if he could. He looked down. Her eyes were open, but she didn’t show any surprise or fear to see him. She must already be dead.

And that infuriated him.

“We’re leaving,” the female soldier announced. “We’re sorry to intrude in your territory. We had to take care of business.”

Derek looked at her and let smoke roll from his nostrils. His fury grew. With the woman for not getting away when she had the chance. With the soldiers for ganging up on her and killing her. And for himself for not intervening before it was too late. He drew in a deep breath, feeling the fire within his chest flare and expand. They tried to run, but it was pointless. One breath of fire took them instantly.

He could have made them suffer. Maybe he should have. Derek looked down at the female again. Her eyes were closed now. Her injuries were fatal. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to thank her. It wasn’t something he did. There had been no need for her to warn him, but she hadn’t known that. She deserved better than this.

Derek returned to human form and squatted naked beside her. Why had she brought the soldiers here? There hadn’t been anyone to help her. She should’ve escaped when she had the chance. Why hadn’t she?

Her blood spilled into the packed earth as mist curled out from the swamp to lick at her boots. Derek tugged a lock of hair free that had fallen across her face. He dropped one knee to the ground. Her hair was like aged mahogany, rich and deep. The strands were cool against his fingers.

Her oval face was beguiling. Her full lips could have lured him into temptation with the barest of smiles. Dark brows arched pleasingly over large eyes. He had looked briefly into the clear brown eyes, but he could describe every detail. They had been bright like a unrising shining through them. Swirling in the dark rays was bronze and amber all trapped by a ring of thick black.

He skimmed the back of his knuckles along her cheekbone. Who was she? He would never know. And that was a pity.

She was attractive, but more than that, she had been brave and kind. Not something he described about anyone, much less humans.

Derek straightened, but he didn’t walk away. He stared at her a long moment before he bent and gathered her in his arms. He walked past what was left of the soldiers to the path used by animals to ascend the mountain. She deserved a warrior’s death, and while he couldn’t give her that, he could give her the next best thing. Derek carried her up to the top and gently laid her on the slab of rock.

He stared at her face to commit it to memory. Then he looked down at her body. She was dressed in all black. Her shirt was threadbare at the wrists and holes stitched. Her pants were in little better condition. It seemed she spent most of her coin on her boots. They were of solid craftsmanship that would’ve lasted her years.

The wind picked up the ends of her hair and danced it around. Derek took a step back. He let his gaze take in the view. He stood on the northern most point of the Tunris range. Ahead of him stretched rolling valleys of grass that went on for miles. Beyond that was a lake and land as wild as his heart.

He would give her the burial she deserved so that her ashes could be scattered into the beauty of the realm. Perhaps that would allow her to one day return as fierce as she had been that day.

Derek’s eyes lowered to her face again. He couldn’t fathom why she hadn’t let her speed take her far from the area. She shouldn’t have stayed. He had decimated humans time and again, and he would continue to do so in order to free the dragons. And yet, he was greatly saddened to see this one dead.


He fisted his hands at the command that filled his mind. He didn’t dare ignore it. His life was pledged to that of Stonemore, and if Villette summoned him, then he must go to her. Derek debated on whether to incinerate the human now or wait. He had seen other mortals gather round their dead. She deserved at least that. If he didn’t have time to watch her body burn, then he would do it when he returned.

Derek held out his hand and created an area around the slab with magic so no one could get near her. He looked at the silver cuff at his wrist. No matter how many times he traveled by Villette’s magic, it felt wrong.

He caught sight of his nudity and reluctantly used his magic to clothe himself. He spent most of his time doing what he wanted. But there were other times, like now, where he bent to another’s rules. His gaze lingered on the dead human a moment more.

Derek touched the cuff. One moment he was outside, and the next, he was stood in the center of a chamber deep within a mountain. Flames danced in the enormous hearth, the red- orange glow reaching out toward him along the floor with flickering fingers.

He knew this chamber well since it was where he met Villette. There were no windows. A single door marred the simple walls. Despite its size, the room only had one chair. There was no need to use his enhanced abilities. He turned his head to the left and found his mistress sprawled on a chair covered in fur pelts.

“Took you too long.”

Derek frowned at the pain in her voice. He caught a glimpse of new burns that covered her face, arms, and torso. “What happened?”

“Nothing for you to worry about.”

He drew in a breath and smelled a familiar scent of dragon fire. “You fought dragons?”

“I said not to worry about it.”

He curled his hands into fists when she didn’t elaborate. Villette wasn’t just his leader.

She had saved him. He owed her his allegiance and his life. Both, he gave freely.

She sighed loudly. “I’ve already given you my word that you will be by my side when we free your kin.”

“Tell me who did this to you. I will hunt them down.”

“I want that pleasure,” she stated icily. She cut her eyes to him. “Has there been anything out of the ordinary that has happened?”

Derek observed her for a silent moment. He could tell her about the female, but then he would have to explain why he cared. Villette would become worried, and there was no need for that. “Nay.”

“You need to be extra vigilant. Don’t get far from the marsh.”

“You expect someone to come?”

“I’m being cautions. It’s how we’ve gotten this far.”

Someone had spooked her, and she wasn’t giving him any information. Villette was one of the most powerful beings alive. She was a Star Person, moving among realms by mere thought alone. She ruled Stonemore as the Divine. Few knew her as anything other than the Divine’s right hand. Villette had gained influence and dominion by weaving a complex web of deception and trickery to gain the upper hand in the battle for Zora.

And she was winning.

There had been setbacks before, but they were getting closer to freeing the dragons. He could feel it.

“I’ll see it done,” he declared.

She swallowed, a grimace of pain creasing her face. “Dederick,” she called.

He hated that name, but he bit back his response. “Aye?”

“The next time I call, come immediately.” She slowly sat up, but it cost her much as she began shaking. “I may need you soon. Don’t let me down.”

“I would never,” he vowed.

“Check the swamp. I want you to be sure no one has found it.”

He took a step to her. “No one has.”

“Check the entire area. Go. Now,” she bit out.

Derek bowed his head and touched the cuff. Seeing Villette injured worried him.
Something had spooked her, and he wished she would tell him who or what that was. In the meantime, he would do as she asked.

He reappeared atop the mountain only to stare in disbelief at the empty stone slab.

Excerpt copyrighted by Donna Grant

Purchase Links

✦Amazon→ https://amzn.to/3ZCMRlU

✦BN→ https://dgrant.co/4efyw3j

✦Kindle→ https://amzn.to/4aSVfAw

✦Nook→ https://dgrant.co/3UFULXR

✦Apple→ https://dgrant.co/3QotBDn

✦Kobo→ https://dgrant.co/3UoAg1o

✦Google→ https://dgrant.co/3y6mIQC

✦Audible→ https://dgrant.co/4dFQOKe

✦Tantor→ https://dgrant.co/3WdiBeb

✦Nook Audio→ https://dgrant.co/4eAgUPy

✦Kobo Audio → https://dgrant.co/4gthekK

About the Author

Donna is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over a hundred novels. Her most popular series is the breathtaking Dragon King series featuring dragons, immortal Highlanders, and the Fae.

She has been dubbed as giving the “paranormal genre a burst of fresh air” by the San Francisco Book Review. Her work has been hailed as having “deft plotting and expert characterization” by Publishers Weekly and “sizzling” by RT Book Reviews.

You an find her at www.DonnaGrant.com as well as her website devoted entirely to the Dragon Kings and all series that encompass the Dark World at www.MotherOfDragonsBooks.com

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Release Day Review: Stealing His Heart by P.A. DePaul

Happy Release Day!

Readers are gifted with a surprise book from P.A. DePaul!

It's a fun, funny, and heartfelt heist-type story with two unlikely characters on opposite sides of the law. 

An FBI agent has been on this pretty thief's trail for years but she's managed to evade him... until now.

This cat and mouse game has turned into a heated courtship that is so fiery, it leaves nothing but embers!

Get your copy today!

About the Book

She’s a thief. He’s FBI. Together, they’re about to execute the heist of their life.

Everyone thinks the big-shot CEO who kidnapped my uncle is an amazing humanitarian. He’s not. He’s holding Uncle Liam hostage to force me and my crew to steal a dangerous, specialized computer for him. I’m Holly Bell, and that’s what my uncle—the only family I have left—raised me to do. Steal things. We’re amazing at it. If you can’t get justice anywhere else for your property that’s landed in the wrong hands, that’s when you hire us to steal it back. But this time, I’m in over my head. That’s why I decide to do the impossible (or the insane): recruit the FBI agent who’s been chasing us for six months.

Jackson Kendrick is the head of the specialized FBI unit dedicated to capturing me and my crew. He’s gotten so close so many times that I fear our days are numbered. But I manage to talk this committed man into catching a much bigger criminal: the crooked CEO holding my uncle. Not only would Jackson receive gold star accolades for this unprecedented arrest, he’d show his shortsighted boss that suspending Jackson for not hauling me in when he had the chance was a big mistake.

If only Jackson hasn’t been living rent-free in my wildest fantasies. Working with him day in and day out has us discovering a sexy, unlikely obsession that can only lead to heartache since we’re on opposite sides of the law. Yet, as my new partner in crime, Jackson’s good at playing the bad guy. He fits in with the misfit crew of hackers, a mistress of disguise, and a guy who’s good at making things go BOOM! I need all the leverage I can get and he needs to stay on his toes. I’m a thief, after all. By the time we steal the computer, I just might also steal his heart.

Do you like capers, heists, hilarious hijinks, and unlikely romance? Winner of the prestigious Sapphire Award from the Romance Writers of Australia, Stealing His Heart just might steal your heart, too! 



A faint touch grazed my dress’s bow tied behind me at my waist. “I have the overwhelming feeling you want me to tug on one of these ends.”

Oh God, I did. I wanted him to take the decision of us crossing the line out of my hands. Getting involved with him would be stupid on so many levels, but I had become too invested in him to think clearly.

The dress was the most provocative thing I’d packed, and my hands had refused to pick out anything else from my suitcase. Playing with fire? Hell yes. For hell was where I’d been living since the first time Kendrick pinned me to the floor in Michael’s house, and I wanted him to burn along with me.

Excerpt copyrighted by P.A. DePaul

My Review

This is a fun-loving read with lots of subterfuge, action, and hilarity. 

I loved the story but my anxiety got the better of me and I was reading scared throughout the whole book! A thief and an FBI agent fall in love, but where are they going to live? I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and when it did, I was completely shattered!

Stealing His Heart ran the gamut of emotions from start to finish and captured my interest until the very end. I really enjoyed the quirky, loveable Robin Hood-esque plot, eclectic cast of characters, and steam-filled, no holds barred romance that fairytales are made of. Highly recommend it.

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

Purchase Links

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

About the Author

P. A. DePaul is a Publishers Weekly Bestselling and award-winning author.

Her books are full of action, suspense, and romance.

As a hybrid author, she has books traditionally and independently published. Her traditional publishers include Berkley, a Penguin Random House imprint, and Harlequin Books.

P.A. DePaul loves connecting with readers! You can find her on these social media and book sites:

Website | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

Lemon8 | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub

Review: You Can Hide by Rebecca Zanetti

  To celebrate the upcoming release of You Can Kill, the next book in Rebecca Zanetti's Laurel Snow series, I'm showcasing Books 1-3!

Each week until October 22nd (release day), I'll be sharing my review of a previous book.

Laurel Snow is a thriller series with romantic elements sprinkled in, heavy on the suspense and mystery... and psychopaths! I highly recommend them all!

You Can Hide is the second book in the Laurel Snow series by Rebecca Zanetti. 

This thriller series is set in the Pacific Northwest and it's chillingly delicious! 

Snag yourself a copy today!

About the Book

What do you do when a sociopath loves you? Rising star FBI profiler Laurel Snow is about to find out …

Calling Laurel Snow’s relationship with her newly discovered half-sister challenging is an understatement. Not only does Laurel suspect Abigail is behind the mysterious disappearance of their father, but her erratic behavior also makes life in Laurel’s small hometown interesting, to say the least. Still, when Abigail claims someone is now out to kill her, Laurel’s instinct to protect her sister goes into overdrive. Then things get even more dicey as dead bodies start turning up in the icy waters of the Sauk River and there’s only one connection among them: Abigail . . .

Having Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers bringing in those bodies with his dive team only complicates matters. Huck is as impulsive and fiery as Laurel is coolly analytical, which makes their alliance risky at best. But standing up to such a demonically brilliant killer is going to take all the help Laurel can get. Because Laurel’s attempt to save her troubled sister’s life might cost her own . . .


 Visit Kensington's website HERE for an excerpt!

My Review

Wow! What an amazing sequel to the series! 

I was glued to my Kindle until the very end! You won’t believe what happens! Read the book today!

Laurel Snow is an FBI profiler assigned to her hometown in the Pacific Northwest because the FBI is thinking of putting an office there. But Laurel’s “special set of skills” is requested all over the country helping solve crimes and bringing killers to justice. How you say? Laurel is a child prodigy, graduated high school and college very young. Laurel also has a PhD and can get into the minds of psychopaths, narcissists, crazies and all kinds of weirdos. She’s very successful but sometimes wonders and worries if she isn’t also a psychopath herself because of her abilities and her lack of “appropriate” people skills. 

What Laurel really is, is a woman dedicated to her job and getting justice for the victims and their families. She often cares too much but uses logic and reasoning to ground and center herself. Laurel is a complex, multifaceted character and I love watching the dynamics change as she interacts with each and every individual. There’s no subterfuge with Laurel, she says exactly what she means and she means exactly what she says. How refreshing is that?

In You Can Hide, Laurel is barely back in town after consulting on an out-of-state case when there’s a body discovered. She’s working the case again with hunky Fish and Wildlife captain, Huck Rivers. They had a little friends-with-benefits action in the first book and have kept things professional ever since. Huck told Laurel he doesn’t want anything serious and neither does she. He is surprised that Laurel actually meant what she said so their working relationship isn’t awkward. Which is a good thing because it is going to take everything they have to solve the case. 

You Can Hide is a full-throttle ride of subterfuge, intrigue and a blow-your-mind mystery that will keep you up late at night! The suspense is palpable. The villain(s) is/are deliciously duplicitous. And the chemistry between Laurel and Huck is a slow-burning flame that will thoroughly consume you. Oh Captain, My Captain indeed!

I highly recommend the series!

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

Purchase Links

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books

Kobo | Google Play | Kensington Books

About the Author

New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly and #1 Amazon bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti has published more than sixty novels, which have been translated into several languages, with more than five million copies sold world-wide. Her books have received Publishers Weekly starred reviews and have been featured in Entertainment Weekly, Woman’s World, and Women’s Day Magazines. Her novels have also been included in Amazon best books of the year and have been favorably reviewed in both the Washington Post and the New York Times Book Reviews. Rebecca has ridden in a locked Chevy trunk, has asked the unfortunate delivery guy to release her from a set of handcuffs, and has discovered the best silver mine shafts in which to bury a body…all in the name of research. Honest. Find Rebecca at:  www.RebeccaZanetti.com

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Review: Best Hex Ever by Nadia El-Fassi

Happy Release Day!

Best Hex Ever is HERE!

Get your copy today!

About the Book

A kitchen witch with a penchant for baking and a (literally) cursed love life meets someone who’s worth breaking a hex for in this enchanting romance debut written with a heap of spice and an equal measure of heart.

As a skilled kitchen witch, Dina Whitlock knows her way around a pastry recipe. In fact, she runs her very own London café, serving magic-infused treats to her loyal customers. She is not as much of an expert on romance, thanks to the hex hanging over her head. It’s hard to fall in love when your partner is cursed with a string of bad luck. But who needs love when your best friend is getting married, right?

Scott Mason has returned from global travels thrilled to embark on his new role as a curator at the British Museum. Having left London two years ago to recover from a devastating breakup, Scott has missed out on a lot. With his best friend’s wedding approaching, and Scott as best man, this is his chance to make up for lost time. Little does he expect to be enchanted by the magical maid of honor.

During a romantic weekend filled with a peculiar hedge maze, palm readings by candlelight, and a midnight Halloween ritual, there’s no denying the chemistry between them. But the hex still holds, and Dina knows that Scott is in danger of more than just bad luck—because she’s falling, hard. Will Dina be able to undo the hex before it’s too late?



Chapter 1

It was a crisp autumn day in the last week of October, the kind of day that makes you want to curl up with a good book and a steaming cup of hot chocolate. Golden leaves crunched underfoot and early-morning frost clung to Serendipity Café’s bright purple awning. It was Dina’s favorite time of the year. The insufferable heat of late September had finally passed, when the air in the tube felt thick and glue-like, forcing her to spend most of her days performing cooling spells on her armpits.

There was always a change in the air when autumn came to London. For one thing, business at the café picked up, and right now every customer wanted a croissant with their coffee order.Croissant magic was tricky at the best of times, but it was proving especially difficult during the morning coffee rush. Dina stared down at the mess of pastry and butter—no way was this salvageable. Pastry had never been Dina’s forte. She tugged her mountain of curls into a bun and rolled up her sleeves.

Dina had just pulled out a new jar of her magic butter blend, ready to begin again, when Robin, her barista, called out, “Dina, where did you put the chrysanthemum tea blend you made last week?”

The croissants would have to wait.

She went out to the front, rummaged through her collection of teas and eventually lifted the tin of delicate dried blooms they were looking for onto the counter. Reluctant to return to the unfriendly croissants, Dina set about serving those who were just settling down at the tables and cozy armchairs of her café.

There was something different about Serendipity Café, a certain spark in the air that no one could quite put their finger on. It was a place where good things happened. Customers who dropped in to buy themselves a cappuccino would accidentally trip over the umbrella of someone at the table beside theirs, and that person would turn out to be the love of their life.

Dina loved how quickly the rumors about her café had spread: that if you bought a latte and a cookie on the way to a job interview, you’d get the job. She’d been particularly proud of that spell; it was one of her best. The special ingredient was a pinch of cinnamon and just a dash of calm. Like a hug with your loved one, or the feeling of kicking off your shoes after a long day.

The trick to Dina’s spells was that she put her own memories and emotions in them, and then the spell would take it from there, mimicking her feelings in the person who ate or drank whatever she had made. A confidence charm to help someone get a job didn’t give them artificial confidence, it just gave them a little magical push to find that confidence in themselves.

The spells didn’t last forever, of course. No magic did.

Even so, Dina had to make sure that she kept her magic secret. After all, she couldn’t have all of London knowing she was a witch.

As the city frosted over, customers would be flocking in through the doors, searching for comfort and a good cup of tea. A particular favorite was Dina’s special chai blend, full of warming ginger, clove, and nutmeg, and just a sprinkle of that feeling you get when you rub a cat’s soft, warm belly.

All around the city, coats were being pulled out of the backs of cupboards where they’d spent the year gathering dust and moth holes, radiators groaned to life, and people began searching for that special someone they could snuggle up with once winter really settled in.

Dina was far too preoccupied to even think about the start of cuffing season. She’d been on a couple of dates in the last year, one man and one woman, and only one of them had gone vaguely well. The guy had been a walking red flag, while Maggie—the insanely hot yoga teacher Dina had gone out with a few months ago—had been lovely, kind, and smart. Dina knew that she could have had something real with Maggie if she’d given it a chance, but she hadn’t wanted to hurt her. So, she’d left before things could get any worse.

Thankfully, the busy autumn season at the café was enough to take her mind off romance; Dina had sworn herself off dating for the foreseeable future. It wasn’t worth the pain it would cause herself and others. Besides, business was booming, and she had to finish making another batch of her ever-popular “Cozy & Calm” candles before they sold out again.

“Robin, could you take these to table four please?” Dina said, handing her colleague a tray bearing two slices of her apple and blueberry pie and two mugs of the Serendipity house tea blend. The couple sitting there had been regulars at the café for a few months now, coming here every Wednesday to study together.

At least that’s what Dina assumed they were doing, with their heads bent down over their respective laptops. Every now and again, the man would reach out for his partner’s hand and they would just sit like that, in perfect companionable silence. That’s what I want, Dina thought. Could she have that one day? Lately, even the idea of a happily ever after felt unattainable.

“Yes, boss.” Robin smiled, knowing full well how much Dina hated being called “boss.” Robin had been at the café for a couple of years, working shifts in between the spin classes they taught near Blackfriars station. They had walked in one day, only moments after Dina had placed a job advertisement for a barista in the window. Dina had taken in Robin’s dark green mohawk and effortlessly cool eyeliner, watched how they straightened one of the picture frames on the wall absentmindedly, and had known that they were the perfect person for the job.

Dina didn’t have much time to do anything but work today, not that she minded. Serendipity, with the buzz of its coffee machine and the warm scent of pastry, was her happy place. She’d founded this business herself—with only a little help from her magic—and every time she saw a customer return after their first visit her heart thrummed with joy.

This morning, however, Dina was acutely aware that it was only Robin and herself working in the café, and they were vastly outnumbered.

Time-slowing spells tired her out, so she tended to save them for the lunch rush. The coffee machine was being temperamental again, and Dina had already had to give it a thump (said thump may have contained a spark of something extra) to get it working again.

She was just finishing up the latte art—a cat on a broomstick on one and a ghost on another; it was spooky season after all—when the door swung open wildly in the wind, leaves swirling in the doorway, knocking an evil eye charm off the wall which fell to the ground with a clatter, smashing in half.

Dina sucked in a breath. She recognized a bad omen when she saw one.

The door slammed shut, the small bell above tinkling belatedly. A man stood in the doorway, picking a stray leaf off his sweater.

The first thing Dina noticed was his nose. It looked a little crooked, like it had been broken but hadn’t healed straight. And then his size. Not only was he tall, he was broad enough to take up the entire narrow entrance. That sweater, fluffy as it was, wasn’t hiding the muscles rippling underneath as he bent down to pick up the broken evil eye. What was a man with a body like that doing with tweed elbow patches and wire-rimmed glasses? He looked like a professor who moonlit as a cage fighter.

Dina swallowed, acutely aware of her dry mouth. Dark curling hair, a groomed beard—it was like he’d walked straight out of her daydreams and into her coffee shop. The evil eye was right; she was doomed.

“Sorry, this fell off the wall,” he said in a low, honeyed voice.

Don’t flirt with him, Dina, she told herself, tucking a stray curl behind her ear. When his eyes met hers, they were brown as caramel.

“Thanks,” she said, taking the charm from his outstretched hand. Their hands brushed as he placed the halves in her palm, a rough calloused touch. Dina quickly pulled her hand away. The henna spell she’d crafted last night when she couldn’t sleep was beginning to come alive and draw love hearts up her wrist.

“It’s a nazar amulet, right?” he said matter-of-factly. “Like your necklace.” He nodded toward Dina’s throat, where a hamsa with an evil eye set in the center rested. Her fingers reached up for it, and she felt the blush rising in her cheeks. She had no business letting a strange man—albeit a very attractive strange man—do this to her.

“Similar, yes. They’re both protection from the evil eye.”

“Should I be worried that it broke when I walked in?” He smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye.

“No, it’s fine, I break my pendants all the time,” she said, fiddling with her hamsa necklace. “It means it worked.”

“So it protected you?” The man leaned forward, resting his forearms on the counter, his voice husky. Dina could smell his cologne—cedar and something citrusy.

Excerpted from Best Hex Ever by Nadia El-Fassi. Copyright © 2024 by Nadia El-Fassi. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

My Review

Best Hex Ever is a magical read with diverse characters, a whimsical storyline, and lots of heart.

Dina and Scott have great chemistry together. Their witty banter had me snickering, and their passion for their work–and each other–is both refreshing and titillating! 

The secondary characters are loveable, fun, and vital to the storyline. There are a couple scenes that are so beautiful and magical, I couldn’t hold back the tears. You know it’s a good book when you can laugh AND cry.

Best Hex Ever is full of wonder and whimsy, love and laughter, and hope and healing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. A delightful reading experience.

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

Purchase Links

Penguin Random House

About the Author

Nadia El-Fassi is a half-Moroccan, half-Australian author of spicy romance and fantasy. She has an addiction to iced coffee, period dramas, buying D&D dice and watching horror movies. They live in London with their husband and perfectly round cat. Best Hex Ever is her debut novel.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Release Day Review: 10 Things I Hate About Mistletoe by Codi Hall

Happy Release Day!

I am SO excited to share the news about Codi Hall's latest release, 10 Things I Hate About Mistletoe!

This is the first book in Codi's Falling in Mistletoe series! It's a spin-off of her Mistletoe Romance series from Sourcebooks Casablanca

I love these characters and I'm so happy we get more time in this fun, funny, and festive world of all things Christmas!

About the Book

A misunderstanding sparks an enemies-to-lovers romance between an outdoorsman and an aspiring writer in this funny and festive Christmas-themed novel. 

So far, no man in Mistletoe, Idaho, has measured up to the literary heroes in Delilah Gill’s favorite books. Anthony Russo is no exception. She’s not sure why the steamy smooch they once shared suddenly turned frosty, and she’s tried to keep her distance ever since. But she’s had enough of being serially single, and she decides it’s the perfect time to put herself out there.

Anthony isn’t interested in playing games and he doesn’t like being used—especially not to make his own best friend jealous. Still, a bruised ego doesn’t stop him from imagining kissing Delilah again when she shows up to the local watering hole looking like a million bucks and the other single men in town start to notice her considerable charms.

As December approaches and the Christmas festivities ramp up, both Delilah and Anthony find themselves roped into Mistletoe’s seasonal happenings. It won’t be long now before proximity turns loathing into interest and ultimately a romance that could lead to a very happy holiday indeed…

My Review

I absolutely LOVE Codi Hall’s Mistletoe Romance series. It’s a series set in the magical, mythical town of Mistletoe, Idaho and it’s centered around a boisterous family with three adult siblings: Nick, Merry and Holly. The family owns a Christmas Tree farm and in a town like Mistletoe, Christmas is the pinnacle of the year. Everyone goes all out for Christmas, and it’s not just relegated to the month of December! It is a fun, funny, and heartfelt series that I highly recommend and champion any chance I get!

10 Things I Hate About Mistletoe is the first book in a spin-off series from Mistletoe Romance called Falling in Mistletoe. The series follows three rough-around-the-edges bachelors getting their chance at falling in love. OMG! I could not love this more! 

If you enjoyed the Mistletoe Romance series, you're gonna LOVE Falling in Mistletoe! This series has everything it’s predecessor has: Loads of Christmas cheer, same great characters, loveable pets, hilarity, witty banter, funny dialogue, heartfelt storyline and all the craziness that comes with falling in love! 

Delilah is oh so relatable! She’s a bigger girl and has struggled for years with all the junk that comes along with being a different size and battling society’s standards for the “normal” or “perfect” body type. Being a bigger girl, I saw so much of myself in Delilah. But she doesn’t let the haters get to her, much. I mean hell, I’m in my forties and sometimes it still bugs me when people stare too long or snicker behind my back. Delilah takes it in stride but some of those old insecurities pop up, especially when men show interest. Are they being sincere? Is this for a joke or a laugh? Or are they doing it just to be cruel? The fight is real.

Anthony is a breath of fresh air. His roguish charm and Jake Ryan looks hide a quiet vulnerability and a genuine sweetness. In the previous series, I thought Anthony was just like his friend Pike, though fiercely loyal, he’s a rowdy womanizer chasing anything with a skirt. But I was pleasantly surprised! Anthony has his own demons to slay and his backstory squeezed my heart so hard for him! Anthony is a lovely surprise and I can’t wait for readers to find out for themselves.

The storyline is full of wonderful surprises, intense passion, and gives me so much happiness! We revisit many of our favorite Mistletoe Romance characters and I was so excited to catch up with their lives. I would love to crawl inside this world and stay there. 

10 Things I Hate About Mistletoe is a complete joy to read! It’s like coming home and being embraced by all my favorite things and people all in one giant hug! 

Pike is Anthony’s best friend and business partner and he’s on deck next! I can’t wait to discover his story and learn more about the woman who has slain this hound dog! 

I highly recommend the entire Mistletoe catalog! If you’re looking for a fun Christmas read, look no further than Codi Hall! 

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

Purchase Links

Amazon | Audible | Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Codi Hall has been writing for eight years under the pen name, Codi Gary. In the spring of 2020, Codi signed with Audible for three original audio books about a trio of siblings finding love in their little mountain town during Christmas time. A California native living in Idaho, she fell in love with big skies, amazing people, and brisk winters. When she isn't writing, you can find her watching movies with her family, making silly Tik Toks, taking gorgeous photos, and snuggling up with a good book and one of her many furbabies! Learn more at www.codigarysbooks.com/codi-hall-author