Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Blog Tour & Review: Dead Man's List by Karen Rose

Homicide Detective Kit McKittrick’s latest case exposes the dark side of San Diego’s high society in this nerve-shattering tale of romantic suspense from New York Times bestselling author Karen Rose.

About the Book

On a long-anticipated second date with police psychologist Dr. Sam Reeves—right as things are getting steamy—Kit stumbles across the mutilated body of a local San Diego politician. The man was loved by many of his constituents but is hated and reviled by many more. That the suspect list is long surprises no one, but exactly who ends up on it stuns Kit and her team.

As the SDPD reveal the victim’s sinister dealings, Kit and Sam are forced to navigate the closely guarded world of the city’s richest and most powerful citizens to find answers. But time is rapidly running out, with their sources of information dropping like flies as the killer methodically eliminates loose ends—and anyone else who stands in the way.



Chapter One

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
Borrego Springs, California
Saturday, January 7, 12:30 p.m.

Be careful," Sam said, pointing to a shrub next to the trail. "That's a catclaw. Its thorns are sharp."

"Okay," Kit said, giving the bush a wide berth and tugging on Snickerdoodle's leash to make sure that she kept her distance as well.

Their hike so far had been filled with similar safety callouts from Sam and not much else. It was . . .

Awkward, Kit thought with a wince. This date was not bad but just so awkward, and she had no idea what to do about it. The desert itself was beautiful in a stark way, and Sam had chosen a less traveled trail. They'd had complete solitude, not having seen another hiker for miles. The weather, while unforgiving in the summer, was perfect during the winter. The skies were clear, the cool breeze refreshing.

But as pretty as the landscape was, this day had been uncomfortable as hell.

Sam had picked her and Snickerdoodle up that morning and right away Kit had known something was wrong. Usually sweet and calm, Sam was tense and overly polite.

It was like they were strangers.

I've messed things up already, and I don't even know what I did wrong, she thought sadly.

The drive to the park had been quiet, their minimal conversation stilted. Sam had asked her a few questions in a cautious tone, and she'd replied equally cautiously in sentences that never managed to be more than a few words.

They'd started their hike in a muted mood, with Sam pointing out landmarks and plants like he was a tour guide. Brisk, efficient, but impersonal.

I have to fix this. Because not only did Sam sound impersonal, he seemed sad, which she couldn't stand. Especially if she'd caused it. Abruptly she stopped on the trail, Snickerdoodle obediently sitting at her side.

Sam had taken a few steps forward before realizing she was no longer beside him on the trail. Carefully he turned so that he and Siggy faced her. Sam's expression was blank, and Kit's heart dropped to her stomach. "Kit? You okay?"

"No." Her voice shook and she drew a breath. "I'm sorry."

His shoulders sagged, disappointment unmistakable in his eyes. "I know."

Panic flared, and she realized just how much she'd wanted this date to go well. How much she'd wanted to see Sam happy. "I did something. Ruined something. You're not happy. We're here, in the desert, and you're supposed to be happy."

He frowned. "What are you talking about? I thought . . ."

She took a step closer. "What?"

His throat worked as he swallowed. "I thought that you were going to say that this date was a mistake."

Her mouth dropped open. "What?"

He studied her face. "You're not thinking this was a mistake?"

"No. Just . . ." She kept her gaze focused on his. "I was scared of today."

"I figured you would be. I thought for sure you'd find a reason to cancel on me."

"I almost did."

One side of his mouth lifted in an almost-smile. "Not a shock. Who talked you into coming?"

"Rita," she said dolefully. "And Pop. Called me out on my bullshit. Is that why you've been so distant all day? You thought I was about to call this a mistake?"

He nodded warily. "Were you?"

She did look away then, taking in the desert around them. It really was beautiful. "I don't think so. I wanted to come here. With you. Wanted you to show me the desert and why you love it. But it's been more than six weeks since I asked you on this date. Enough time to second-guess myself. And maybe to second-guess you. You could have anyone. Everyone tells me so. I still don't know why you seem to want to be with me."

And that was the honest truth.

"Kit." He waited until she met his eyes again. "My feelings haven't changed. I want to be with you, but I don't want to rush you into anything you're not ready for. I can wait. You're worth waiting for."

She took another step forward, now so close that she could see the thick dark lashes framing his green eyes behind his Clark Kent glasses. Could see the freckles sprinkled across his nose now that he'd gotten some sun.

She could see his sincerity, the very thing that had originally drawn her to him. And suddenly she wasn't afraid anymore, because this was Sam. Other than her father, Sam was the kindest, gentlest man she knew. He would respect her limitations. And he'd protect her heart.

She needed to protect his as well.

"I'm ready for this date." She reached out, gripped his jacket, tugging him closer. "I want to know you better."

His chest expanded with the breath he drew. "Thank God," he muttered, his hands coming up to cup her face, sending a shiver down her spine and over her skin. "I've tried to give you space."

"Don't," she said simply, releasing her hold on his jacket and sliding her hands around his neck. "I . . . I missed you," she admitted.

His smile was pure delight. "You did?"

"I did. It's been too long since we went on our fishing date." She rose on her toes. "Too long since you kissed me good night."

His swallow was audible. "Thought about that, did you?"

"I did. Did you?"

"Yeah. Every night. Every morning. And maybe a few times during the day."

"Same," she whispered, their lips now brushing. An almost-kiss. If she leaned up just a little, she could kiss him for real. She closed the distance between them and then his mouth was finally on hers. His kiss was sweet and undemanding, but his hands, still cupping her face, trembled.

He wanted more.

And so do I.

Dimly the sound of barking intruded. Two different barks. Two different dogs.



Kit no longer held her leash.


They pulled away at the same time, each looking around for their dogs because Sam had dropped Siggy's leash, too.

"Siggy!" he called.

"Snickerdoodle!" Kit shouted, then huffed a relieved breath when Snick came trotting around a cluster of small boulders, her tail wagging. But she was alone. No sign of Siggy.

Sam left the trail, taking off at a jog. Kit grabbed Snickerdoodle's leash and followed him.

Then stopped dead in her tracks.

"Dead" being the operative word.

Siggy had a shoe in his mouth. A man's wingtip, size eleven or thereabouts. The shoe's mate was half buried in the sand on a man's foot.

A very dead man, lying faceup in the desert sand.

What was left of his face, anyway. The animals of the desert had been snacking.

So gross.

The body was positioned in a hollow beneath the boulders, sheltered from the wind. Still, the sand had swept over the body, covering the legs, one foot, and part of one arm.

Accident or murder? She took a few steps closer and had her answer. The man's neck was an open gash, now home to dozens of flies. His throat had clearly been slit, ear to ear.

Be careful what you wish for, she thought, remembering how she'd hoped for a murder the night before.

Kit glanced at Sam, whose gaze was fixed on the man's face, his eyes wide, his face slack with shock. "Sam? You okay?"

He cleared his throat roughly. "Well, shit."

She nodded once. "Shit indeed. I need to call this in."

"Wait." He edged closer, gaze still fixed on the victim. "Look at his face."

"I did. There isn't enough left for a clear ID. The ME will likely have to use dental records or DNA. He-"

"No, Kit. Look at him. I know him."

Startled, Kit crouched at the dead man's side. And then she recognized him, too. Or at least the tribal-style tattoo that wound up his neck, ending behind what had been his ear. "Well, shit."

Sam huffed a mirthless laugh. "Shit indeed. That's Councilman Brooks Munro."

Of the San Diego city council.

Kit scowled down at the body. "This is not gonna be fun."

"Our second-favorite local politician," Sam said, his tone dripping with disdain.

Kit looked up at him in surprise. She'd never heard him use that caustic tone before and wondered what his experience had been with the councilman, who had a reputation of being very charismatic and charming. At the same time, Kit had heard rumors of impropriety, but nothing had ever been proven.

"Who's the first?" she asked, although she thought she knew.

He met her gaze. "Drummond."

Drummond had resigned his seat after being charged with murder, but Kit took Sam's point. She still wondered why Sam hated this councilman. "Munro has been missing for a few days," she said.

"I know," he said flatly. "I saw it on the news."

"He was reported by his wife, who's been out of town. Two officers did a welfare check and found blood on his garage floor. Enough that they assumed that he'd been seriously injured."

Sam grimaced. "I'd say he was seriously injured. Oh shit. Kit. His hands . . ."

Kit sighed. The victim's fingers were missing, as were the toes on his exposed foot. "Could have been animals."

"God, I hope so. But you don't think so."

"No, I don't." Because now that she was closer, she could also see the stab wounds in the man's chest. She counted at least twenty at first glance. Someone had really wanted this man to suffer. "But the ME will tell us for sure. Let me call it in."

She pulled her phone from her pocket, but she had no signal. "Dammit."

"Wait." Sam dropped to one knee and began rifling through his backpack, piling its contents on the sand until he found what he'd been looking for. "Here." He held out a phone. "Sat phone. You'll get a signal with that."

"Do you always carry a sat phone?"

"Yep. It's a safety thing. Siggy and I hike in remote areas. Cell signals are never a given."

She glanced down at him while she searched her phone for her boss's contact information. "Are those . . . Sam, do you have night-vision goggles?"

He looked up, expression slightly embarrassed. "Christmas present from my parents. I promised I'd carry them with me, just in case. I also packed a picnic lunch, but I don't think I have any appetite anymore." He loaded everything into his pack and stood, his expression now pained as he turned his back on the body. "Please call Lieutenant Navarro, Kit. I want to get away from here as soon as we possibly can."

Kit hated to tell him that it would likely be hours before they could leave. So she merely dialed Navarro's number.

"Navarro. Who is this?" her boss answered brusquely.

"It's Kit. We've got a situation here."

San Diego PD, San Diego, California
Saturday, January 7, 5:30 p.m.

Connor Robinson stuck his head in Lieutenant Navarro's office. "So you two just happened to find the one missing body in nearly one thousand square miles of state park?"

Kit and Sam were in her boss's office, waiting on Navarro to debrief them. They'd dropped the dogs off with Harlan and Betsy, and Kit had picked up her own car, knowing that her day was far from over. Hopefully Navarro would let Sam go home as soon as they'd reviewed his statement, but Kit had the awful feeling that her boss would keep her far longer.

Don't assign me this case. Please.

"I'd bet a week's pay that it's not the only body hidden in the park," Kit told her partner.

Sam made a pained sound, and Kit patted his hand. "You okay?"

"No," Sam grumbled. "Day's ruined. Date's ruined. And I'm never going to get the sight of his face out of my mind."

Connor made a sympathetic face. "That sucks, man. Sorry your date was ruined."

Sam made another grumbling sound that was cuter than it should have been.

"We'll have another date," Kit promised. "A no-dead-body date. I promise."

"Okay." But he still frowned, and Kit felt bad for him.

Munro's body really had been a gruesome sight, and Sam had handled it better than a lot of people would have. She knew that he'd seen bodies before, but Munro's was . . . extreme.

Even for me.

"What are you doing here today anyway?" Kit asked Connor. "It's Saturday. Did we catch another case?"

"No. I heard about the body and that it was discovered by an SDPD cop. I knew you'd headed up that way so I wanted to find out if you were the ones who'd found it."

It was Kit's turn to frown. "How did you hear about the body?"

Connor grinned. "Baz called me. He'd heard it through the station's grapevine. I have to say I'm miffed that you didn't at least text me."

Kit rolled her eyes. "Baz has been surgically grafted to the grapevine, I think." Her former partner had retired after having a heart attack nine months before. She missed him terribly, but she and Connor had found their stride together. "And I didn't text you because you were supposed to be with CeCe today."

"Her mom twisted her knee and CeCe took her to the doctor." He shrugged. "So I came in. Oh, sorry, sir." He abruptly moved to one side of the doorway, making room for Navarro, who looked unhappy. "See you later."

"No," Navarro said. "You stay."

Connor winced, and Kit had to swallow a groan. If Connor was staying, it meant they'd be working Munro's murder investigation.

Which sucked, because this was going to be a bitch of a case. The suspect list was already a mile long. His constituents seemed to love him, but few people in law enforcement liked Brooks Munro. In fact, too many people hated his guts.

Navarro pointed to her and Sam. "You two. It's always you two."

Kit bristled. "Sir?"

Sam's mouth fell open. "I beg your pardon?"

"Trouble just seems to find you," Navarro muttered, sitting down at his desk. "And you can't even deny it."

Sam sighed. "No, I guess I can't, but it's not like we found the body on purpose. It spoiled our entire day. And my appetite for the next week."

Navarro's lips twitched. "It was pretty bad." He shifted his attention to his computer. "Good initial report, Kit. All the particulars are here. Brooks Munro, age fifty-one, city councilman. Was last seen alive on Wednesday by his office administrator. He didn't show up to work on Thursday, didn't return his wife's calls. Wife, who was out of town, requested a wellness check. Cops found blood on his garage floor. Car was missing." He looked up, brows lifted. "It wasn't just a car, Kit. It was a goddamned Ferrari. Do we have footage from his home security cameras?"

Excerpted from Dead Man's List by Karen Rose. Copyright © 2025 by Karen Rose. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

My Review

Ms. Rose thrills–and chills–in this next installment of her San Diego Case Files series!

Dead Man’s List involves an incredibly complex mystery to solve for Homicide Detective Kit McKittrick and her team. All hands are on deck when a local councilman turns up dead and the mayor wants the case solved yesterday.

Dr. Sam Reeves is a psychologist who assists in police cases and is vital to Kit’s team and the community with Dr. Sam’s work at a local homeless shelter for teens. Sam has been crushing hard on the beautiful detective but Kit’s got some major emotional baggage that has often stopped her from pursuing something solid with the good doctor. It’s not that Kit doesn’t want Sam, it’s that she wants him too much, but her fear of not being able to protect the ones she loves is a real fear that keeps many in her life at arm’s length. Can Sam finally break through Kit’s defensive walls, or will she push Sam to the friend’s zone for good? 

The mystery is so exciting and had me in a chokehold the entire story! The action-packed plot got my heart racing. The characters are entertaining and I wanted to know more about everyone. The subplot(s) of the story is/are just as thrilling and is/are vital to the main storyline. I was on the edge of my seat the last 15% of the book! Don’t peek! Be patient and read from start to finish. You just might miss a minute detail that will blow the case wide open! 

I admit, the first two books in this particular series made me a little angry because the author doesn’t provide an HEA at the end of each book like she does in her other Romantic Suspense series. While the cases to solve are exciting and engaging, the chemistry between Kit and Sam has been so sloooooooooowwww! But now that we are in the third book of the series, I see a method to Ms. Rose’s madness and it’s quite brilliant. 

Kit is a strong, stubborn FMC that is exceptional at her job. She’s loyal and fiercely protective over those she calls her own. Kit’s origin story begins in the foster care system where a very young Kit and her foster sister, Wren escape a home where all types of abuse goes on. While running away, Kit and Wren find a barn to hide in where they are discovered by a gentle giant of a man. He and his wife are foster parents and they take in Kit and Wren. They are in a good foster home, but can’t yet get comfortable or trust that they are safe. When Wren is murdered, Kit is inconsolable, especially when the police deem Wren’s murder a cold case and move on. Move on? No way, not for Kit. 

Kit becomes a cop and while she works diligently to make sure others like her and her sister can get justice for their loved ones. Kit still holds out hope that she can solve Wren’s case and make sure her killer is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Kit was adopted by that nice couple and has many adopted brothers and sisters. She is loved, respected in her profession, and doesn’t have time, or the wherewithal to have a romantic relationship. But somehow, Dr. Sam Reeves has been slowly getting under Kit’s skin. It is difficult for Kit to trust, to let someone in, which is why the author is strategic in framing the series as she’s doing. I get it now. I hope readers will also give this series a chance, too.

Dead Man’s List is an exciting thriller full of action, suspense, and a damn good storyline. While it is part of a series, it can easily be read as a standalone. 

I highly recommend the book and every series by Karen Rose.

**Please check your trigger warnings. There are many adult themes with several types of abuse and trauma in this book that may make some readers uncomfortable. Read at your own discretion**

FTC Disclaimer: I voluntarily read a copy of the book generously provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my thoughts or feelings about the book or the content of my review.

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About the Author

Photo: © Michael Greene Photography

Karen Rose is the award-winning, #1 international bestselling author of over twenty-five novels, including the bestselling Baltimore and Cincinnati series. She has been translated into twenty-three languages and her books have placed on the New York Times, the Sunday Times (UK), and Germany’s der Spiegel bestseller lists. Learn more at www.karenrosebooks.com

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